
如何从具有不同数量变量的嵌套列表创建data.frame,r,list,nested-lists,R,List,Nested Lists,我下载了一个诺贝尔奖得主的json文件,并将其转换为一个名为“nobels”的列表。结构图中显示了几条记录 str(nobels) List of 1 $ laureates:List of 2 ..$ :List of 13 .. ..$ id : chr "359" .. ..$ firstname : chr "Axel Hugo Theodor" .. ..$ surname : chr "Theorell" ..



List of 1
$ laureates:List of 2
  ..$ :List of 13
  .. ..$ id             : chr "359"
  .. ..$ firstname      : chr "Axel Hugo Theodor"
  .. ..$ surname        : chr "Theorell"
  .. ..$ born           : chr "1903-07-06"
  .. ..$ died           : chr "1982-08-15"
  .. ..$ bornCountry    : chr "Sweden"
  .. ..$ bornCountryCode: chr "SE"
  .. ..$ bornCity       : chr "Linköping"
  .. ..$ diedCountry    : chr "Sweden"
  .. ..$ diedCountryCode: chr "SE"
  .. ..$ diedCity       : chr "Stockholm"
  .. ..$ gender         : chr "male"
  .. ..$ prizes         :List of 1
  .. .. ..$ :List of 5
  .. .. .. ..$ year        : chr "1955"
  .. .. .. ..$ category    : chr "medicine"
  .. .. .. ..$ share       : chr "1"
  .. .. .. ..$ motivation  : chr "\"for his discoveries concerning the nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes\""
  .. .. .. ..$ affiliations:List of 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ :List of 3
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ name   : chr "Karolinska Institutet, Nobel Medical Institute"
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ city   : chr "Stockholm"
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ country: chr "Sweden"

  ..$ :List of 10
  .. ..$ id             : chr "774"
  .. ..$ firstname      : chr "Richard"
  .. ..$ surname        : chr "Axel"
  .. ..$ born           : chr "1946-07-02"
  .. ..$ died           : chr "0000-00-00"
  .. ..$ bornCountry    : chr "USA"
  .. ..$ bornCountryCode: chr "US"
  .. ..$ bornCity       : chr "New York, NY"
  .. ..$ gender         : chr "male"
  .. ..$ prizes         :List of 1
  .. .. ..$ :List of 5
  .. .. .. ..$ year        : chr "2004"
  .. .. .. ..$ category    : chr "medicine"
  .. .. .. ..$ share       : chr "2"
  .. .. .. ..$ motivation  : chr "\"for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system\""
  .. .. .. ..$ affiliations:List of 1
  .. .. .. .. ..$ :List of 3
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ name   : chr "Columbia University"
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ city   : chr "New York, NY"
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ country: chr "USA"





Error in data.frame(year = "1931", category = "literature", share = "1",  : 
arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0

nobels <- list(structure(list(id = "359", firstname = "Axel Hugo Theodor", 
surname = "Theorell", born = "1903-07-06", died = "1982-08-15", 
bornCountry = "Sweden", bornCountryCode = "SE", bornCity = "Linköping", 
diedCountry = "Sweden", diedCountryCode = "SE", diedCity = "Stockholm", 
gender = "male", prizes = list(structure(list(year = "1955", 
category = "medicine", share = "1", motivation = "\"for his discoveries concerning the          nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes\"", 
affiliations = list(structure(list(name = "Karolinska Institutet, Nobel Medical    Institute", 
city = "Stockholm", country = "Sweden"), .Names = c("name", 
"city", "country")))), .Names = c("year", "category", 
"share", "motivation", "affiliations")))), .Names = c("id", 
"firstname", "surname", "born", "died", "bornCountry", "bornCountryCode", 
"bornCity", "diedCountry", "diedCountryCode", "diedCity", "gender", 
"prizes")), structure(list(id = "604", firstname = "Erik Axel", 
surname = "Karlfeldt", born = "1864-07-20", died = "1931-04-08", 
bornCountry = "Sweden", bornCountryCode = "SE", bornCity = "Karlbo", 
diedCountry = "Sweden", diedCountryCode = "SE", diedCity = "Stockholm", 
gender = "male", prizes = list(structure(list(year = "1931", 
category = "literature", share = "1", motivation = "\"The poetry of Erik Axel   Karlfeldt\"", 
affiliations = list(list())), .Names = c("year", "category", 
"share", "motivation", "affiliations")))), .Names = c("id", 
"firstname", "surname", "born", "died", "bornCountry", "bornCountryCode", 
"bornCity", "diedCountry", "diedCountryCode", "diedCity", "gender", 


> str(nobels)
List of 2
 $ :List of 13
  ..$ id             : chr "359"
  ..$ firstname      : chr "Axel Hugo Theodor"
  ..$ surname        : chr "Theorell"
  ..$ born           : chr "1903-07-06"
  ..$ died           : chr "1982-08-15"
  ..$ bornCountry    : chr "Sweden"
  ..$ bornCountryCode: chr "SE"
  ..$ bornCity       : chr "Linköping"
  ..$ diedCountry    : chr "Sweden"
  ..$ diedCountryCode: chr "SE"
  ..$ diedCity       : chr "Stockholm"
  ..$ gender         : chr "male"
  ..$ prizes         :List of 1
  .. ..$ :List of 5
  .. .. ..$ year        : chr "1955"
  .. .. ..$ category    : chr "medicine"
  .. .. ..$ share       : chr "1"
  .. .. ..$ motivation  : chr "\"for his discoveries concerning the          nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes\""
  .. .. ..$ affiliations:List of 1
  .. .. .. ..$ :List of 3
  .. .. .. .. ..$ name   : chr "Karolinska Institutet, Nobel Medical    Institute"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ city   : chr "Stockholm"
  .. .. .. .. ..$ country: chr "Sweden"
 $ :List of 13
  ..$ id             : chr "604"
  ..$ firstname      : chr "Erik Axel"
  ..$ surname        : chr "Karlfeldt"
  ..$ born           : chr "1864-07-20"
  ..$ died           : chr "1931-04-08"
  ..$ bornCountry    : chr "Sweden"
  ..$ bornCountryCode: chr "SE"
  ..$ bornCity       : chr "Karlbo"
  ..$ diedCountry    : chr "Sweden"
  ..$ diedCountryCode: chr "SE"
  ..$ diedCity       : chr "Stockholm"
  ..$ gender         : chr "male"
  ..$ prizes         :List of 1
  .. ..$ :List of 5
  .. .. ..$ year        : chr "1931"
  .. .. ..$ category    : chr "literature"
  .. .. ..$ share       : chr "1"
  .. .. ..$ motivation  : chr "\"The poetry of Erik Axel   Karlfeldt\""
  .. .. ..$ affiliations:List of 1
  .. .. .. ..$ : list()                             **<--problem here**



  res1 <-unnest(lapply(nobels, function(x)
         as.data.frame.list(rapply(x,unlist), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)))

  #Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  19 variables:
  #   $ id                         : chr  "359" "604"
  #$ firstname                  : chr  "Axel Hugo Theodor" "Erik Axel"
  #$ surname                    : chr  "Theorell" "Karlfeldt"
  #$ born                       : chr  "1903-07-06" "1864-07-20"
  #$ died                       : chr  "1982-08-15" "1931-04-08"
  #$ bornCountry                : chr  "Sweden" "Sweden"
  #$ bornCountryCode            : chr  "SE" "SE"
  #$ bornCity                   : chr  "Linköping" "Karlbo"
  #$ diedCountry                : chr  "Sweden" "Sweden"
  #$ diedCountryCode            : chr  "SE" "SE"
  #$ diedCity                   : chr  "Stockholm" "Stockholm"
  #$ gender                     : chr  "male" "male"
  #$ prizes.year                : chr  "1955" "1931"
  #$ prizes.category            : chr  "medicine" "literature"
  #$ prizes.share               : chr  "1" "1"
  #$ prizes.motivation          : chr  "\"for his discoveries concerning the          nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes\"" "\"The poetry of Erik Axel   Karlfeldt\""
  #$ prizes.affiliations.name   : chr  "Karolinska Institutet, Nobel Medical    Institute" NA
 #$ prizes.affiliations.city   : chr  "Stockholm" NA
 #$ prizes.affiliations.country: chr  "Sweden" NA

(如我在帖子中所示)获取数据结构的精确表示。@akrun。很抱歉,我忘记了dput。谢谢您的帮助suggestion@pssguy请检查我的更新。谢谢,但我在data.frame中发现了错误(参数意味着不同的行数-这可能是因为某些列表项不包括所有行。)variables@pssguy在另一个答案中,我在akrun共享的数据上尝试了这个方法,但没有得到任何错误。@ujwal你说得很对。我得到的错误是在运行完整列表时出现的。我想我已经在编辑中识别了它 above@pssguy我已经编辑了上面的答案。你现在可以试试吗?谢谢。我运行了列表的每个元素,测试长度(nobels[[I]]$奖品[[1]]]$affiliations[[1]])是否为零,如果为零,请使用你的代码。这创建了一个新列(我可以随后省去该列)值为“随机数据”或NA。它还确保为列表为零的类别输入了NA。现在只需为一位获奖者(如玛丽·居里)排序多个奖项的问题希望你能真正分析数据!感谢你花时间纠正我的缺点,并介绍我在tidyr软件包中使用unnest。正如你从上面看到的,我仍然对我上面复制的一些数据存在问题
  res1 <-unnest(lapply(nobels, function(x)
         as.data.frame.list(rapply(x,unlist), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)))

  #Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  19 variables:
  #   $ id                         : chr  "359" "604"
  #$ firstname                  : chr  "Axel Hugo Theodor" "Erik Axel"
  #$ surname                    : chr  "Theorell" "Karlfeldt"
  #$ born                       : chr  "1903-07-06" "1864-07-20"
  #$ died                       : chr  "1982-08-15" "1931-04-08"
  #$ bornCountry                : chr  "Sweden" "Sweden"
  #$ bornCountryCode            : chr  "SE" "SE"
  #$ bornCity                   : chr  "Linköping" "Karlbo"
  #$ diedCountry                : chr  "Sweden" "Sweden"
  #$ diedCountryCode            : chr  "SE" "SE"
  #$ diedCity                   : chr  "Stockholm" "Stockholm"
  #$ gender                     : chr  "male" "male"
  #$ prizes.year                : chr  "1955" "1931"
  #$ prizes.category            : chr  "medicine" "literature"
  #$ prizes.share               : chr  "1" "1"
  #$ prizes.motivation          : chr  "\"for his discoveries concerning the          nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes\"" "\"The poetry of Erik Axel   Karlfeldt\""
  #$ prizes.affiliations.name   : chr  "Karolinska Institutet, Nobel Medical    Institute" NA
 #$ prizes.affiliations.city   : chr  "Stockholm" NA
 #$ prizes.affiliations.country: chr  "Sweden" NA