
如何使用r中的igraph分别计算不同时段的网络测量值?,r,date,igraph,social-networking,network-analysis,R,Date,Igraph,Social Networking,Network Analysis,这是我的交易数据: data: id from_id to_id amount date_trx <fctr> <fctr> <fctr> <dbl> <date> 0 7468 5695 700.0 2005-01-04 1 6213 9379



id          from_id        to_id      amount    date_trx
<fctr>      <fctr>         <fctr>     <dbl>     <date>
0           7468           5695       700.0     2005-01-04
1           6213           9379       11832.0   2005-01-08
2           7517           8170       1000.0    2005-01-10
3           6143           9845       4276.0    2005-01-12
4           6254           9640       200.0     2005-01-14
5           6669           5815       200.0     2005-01-20
6           6934           8583       49752.0   2005-01-24
7           9240           8314       19961.0   2005-01-26
8           6374           8865       1000.0    2005-01-30
9           6143           6530       13.4      2005-01-31

data$week <- unsplit(tapply(data$date_trx, data$from_id, function(x) (as.numeric(x-min(data$trx_date)) %/% 7)+1),data$from_id)

select(data, from_id, to_id, date_trx, week, amount) %>% arrange(date_trx)

from_id       to_id      date_trx      week    amount
<fctr>        <fctr>     <date>        <dbl>   <dbl>
6644           6934       2005-01-01    1      700
6753           8456       2005-01-01    1      600
9242           9333       2005-01-01    1      1000
9843           9115       2005-01-01    1      900 
7075           6510       2005-01-02    1      400 
8685           7207       2005-01-02    1      1100   

...            ...        ...           ...    ...

9866           6697       2010-12-31    313    95.8
9866           5992       2010-12-31    313    139.1
9866           5797       2010-12-31    313    72.1
9866           9736       2010-12-31    313    278.9
9868           8644       2010-12-31    313    242.8
9869           8399       2010-12-31    313    372.2
从\u id到\u id日期\u trx周金额
6644           6934       2005-01-01    1      700
6753           8456       2005-01-01    1      600
9242           9333       2005-01-01    1      1000
9843           9115       2005-01-01    1      900 
7075           6510       2005-01-02    1      400 
8685           7207       2005-01-02    1      1100   
...            ...        ...           ...    ...
9866           6697       2010-12-31    313    95.8
9866           5992       2010-12-31    313    139.1
9866           5797       2010-12-31    313    72.1
9866           9736       2010-12-31    313    278.9
9868           8644       2010-12-31    313    242.8
9869           8399       2010-12-31    313    372.2




d$week <- strftime(d$date_trx, format = "%V")

my.funct <- function(x) {
  V(x)$degree <- degree(x, normalized=TRUE)
  V(x)$betweenness <- betweenness(x, normalized=TRUE)
  V(x)$closeness <- closeness(x, normalized=TRUE)

dd <- lapply(dd, my.funct)

ddd <- lapply(dd, function(x) igraph::as_data_frame(x, what = "vertices") )

# keep in mind that `split` names the objects in the list according to
# the value it used to split, therefore the name of the data.frames in
# the list is the name of the week.

ddd <- bind_rows(ddd, .id="week")

  week name    degree betweenness closeness
1   01    E 1.4444444           0 0.2000000
2   01    D 1.5555556           0 0.1666667
3   01    B 0.7777778           0 0.2000000
4   01    A 1.0000000           0 0.2000000
5   01    C 0.7777778           0 0.1666667
6   01    F 1.0000000           0 0.1000000

network\u data是的,使用
作为\u data\u frame
dd <- split(d, d$week )
dd <- lapply(dd, function(x) graph_from_data_frame(x, directed = T))
my.funct <- function(x) {
  V(x)$degree <- degree(x, normalized=TRUE)
  V(x)$betweenness <- betweenness(x, normalized=TRUE)
  V(x)$closeness <- closeness(x, normalized=TRUE)

dd <- lapply(dd, my.funct)
IGRAPH f515e52 DN-- 4 2 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c), degree (v/n), betweenness (v/n), closeness (v/n), weigth (e/n), date_trx
| (e/n), week (e/c)
+ edges from f515e52 (vertex names):
[1] B->F C->G

[1] "B" "C" "F" "G"

[1] 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.3333333

[1] 0 0 0 0

[1] 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.2500000 0.2500000

[1] 9 7

[1] 10595 10601

[1] "01" "01"
ddd <- lapply(dd, function(x) igraph::as_data_frame(x, what = "vertices") )

# keep in mind that `split` names the objects in the list according to
# the value it used to split, therefore the name of the data.frames in
# the list is the name of the week.

ddd <- bind_rows(ddd, .id="week")

  week name    degree betweenness closeness
1   01    E 1.4444444           0 0.2000000
2   01    D 1.5555556           0 0.1666667
3   01    B 0.7777778           0 0.2000000
4   01    A 1.0000000           0 0.2000000
5   01    C 0.7777778           0 0.1666667
6   01    F 1.0000000           0 0.1000000
d <- data.frame(from_id = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 2000, replace = T),
                to_id = sample(LETTERS[6:10], 2000, replace = T),
                weight = rpois(2000, 10),
                date_trx = sample(seq(as.Date('1999/01/01'), as.Date('2000/01/01'), by="day"), 2000, replace = T))