
用R中的不同模式替换同一字符串的多个匹配项,r,regex,dplyr,R,Regex,Dplyr,我有一组数据帧,在每个数据帧中,同一字符串在一列中多次出现,但它们确实反映了不同的观察结果 library(dplyr) govs <- c("Government", "Federal", "General government", "Government enterprises", "State and local", "General government", "Government enterprises") df <- data.frame("gov_


govs <- c("Government", "Federal", "General government", "Government enterprises", "State and local", 
          "General government", "Government enterprises")
df <- data.frame("gov_levels" = govs, revenue = rnorm(7, mean = 1000, sd = 50))

    df %>%
    filter(gov_levels != "Government") %>%
    mutate(gov_levels = stri_replace_first_fixed(str = gov_levels, pattern = "General government", 
                                           replacement = c("Federal general government", 
                                                           "State and local general government"))) 

根据乔治的回答进行更新 存在一些不一致的数据帧列表:

govs <- c("Government", "Federal", "General government", "Government enterprises", "State and local", 
          "General government", "Government enterprises", NA, NA)

df1 <- data.frame("col_1" = "col1data", "gov_levels" = govs, revenue = c(rnorm(7, mean = 100, sd = 50), NA, NA), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2 <- data.frame("col_1" = "col1data", "gov_types" = govs, revenue = c(rnorm(7, mean = 100, sd = 50), NA, NA), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df2 <- df2 %>%
       filter(gov_types != "Government")

df_list <- list(df1, df2)


# First define a string containing the new levels for the 'gov_levels' factor
newlevels <- c("Federal general government", "State and local general government")

# Then add them so that they are allowed as factor levels
levels(df$gov_levels) <- c(levels(df$gov_levels), newlevels)

# Now just replace the values where 'gov_levels' is "General government" with the new string
# They will naturally be assigned in the same order they occur in the dataset
df$gov_levels[df$gov_levels=="General government"] <- newlevels

位。我将编辑..我也不确定为什么NAs是一个问题,但我收到错误消息“x[,2][x[,2]==“一般政府”]我要补充的是,列名不同,但相关数据总是第二列。@CaseyR good point subscribed assignments不能有

newlevels_gen <- c("Federal general government", "State and local general government")

df_list <- lapply(df_list, 
                  function(x) {x[, 2] <- as.factor(x[, 2]) 

df_list <- lapply(df_list, function(x) {levels(x[,2]) <- c(levels(x[,2]), newlevels_gen)

df_list_clean_a <- lapply(df_list, function(x) {x[,2][!is.na(x[,2]) & x[,2] == "General government"] <- newlevels_gen 

# First define a string containing the new levels for the 'gov_levels' factor
newlevels <- c("Federal general government", "State and local general government")

# Then add them so that they are allowed as factor levels
levels(df$gov_levels) <- c(levels(df$gov_levels), newlevels)

# Now just replace the values where 'gov_levels' is "General government" with the new string
# They will naturally be assigned in the same order they occur in the dataset
df$gov_levels[df$gov_levels=="General government"] <- newlevels

df$gov_levels[df$gov_levels=="General government"] <- 
      c("Federal general government", "State and local general")