
在R中通过矩阵的更快方法,r,R,我有一个巨大的矩阵变量mat,有M行和N列。我需要找到所有非零的位置。目前我正在编写以下代码来实现这一点 Rowindex_set = c() #Generate the set of all row indexes of all non-zero entries Colindex_set = c() #Generate the set of all col indexes of all non-zero entries for(i in 1:M){ for(j in 1:N){ i


Rowindex_set = c() #Generate the set of all row indexes of all non-zero entries
Colindex_set = c() #Generate the set of all col indexes of all non-zero entries
for(i in 1:M){
  for(j in 1:N){
    if (mat[i,j] != 0){
      Rowindex_set = c(Rowindex_set,i)
      Colindex_set = c(Colindex_set,j)  

编辑: 我做了一些修改,提出了一个更快的实现

Rowindex_set = rep.int(0,M*N) #Large vector of zeros
Colindex_set = rep.int(0,M*N) #Large vector of zeros
IndexCounter = 1
for(i in 1:M){
  for(j in 1:N){
    if (incomp_mat[i,j] != marker){
      Rowindex_set[IndexCounter] = i #Update each entry, rather than appending as earlier
      Colindex_set[IndexCounter] = j #Similar as above comment
      IndexCounter = IndexCounter + 1
Rowindex_set = Rowindex_set[-IndexCounter:-(M*N)] # Remove trailing zeros
Colindex_set = Colindex_set[-IndexCounter:-(M*N)] # Remove trailing zeros



M <- matrix(c(1,2,3,0,0,2),nrow=2)
M[M==0] <- NA

## OR change all nonzero elements

M[M!=0] <- NA 


apply(M,2,function(x) which(x!=0))