Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/r/70.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
如何在R中生成N个最不相似的组合_R_Cryptography_Combinations_Permutation_Combinatorics - Fatal编程技术网


如何在R中生成N个最不相似的组合,r,cryptography,combinations,permutation,combinatorics,R,Cryptography,Combinations,Permutation,Combinatorics,我有一套6个色码(x),一套N个个体,每个个体都需要贴上一个独特的色码标签,每个动物身上有四个位置,每个位置都可以携带不同的颜色。我有6种不同的颜色 因此,两个人的代码可能是: 1.红、蓝、蓝、白 2.白色,黄色,粉色,黄色 但是,由于每个位置的颜色都可能脱落,我想生成一个冗余的标签方案,这样即使在一个(甚至两个?)位置失去颜色后,仍然可以将个人与其他人区分开来 尽管6种颜色和4种位置给出了1296种组合,但我发现很难选择N种最不相似的组合: 可复制示例: 库(gtools) 我不能肯定地回答你








x     <- c("w", "r", "g", "b", "p", "y")
Perms <- permutations(n=6,r=4,v=x,repeats.allowed=T)
m <- apply(Perms, 1, paste, collapse = "")

> head(m)
[1] "bbbb" "bbbg" "bbbp" "bbbr" "bbbw" "bbby"

lvmat lvmat[1:5,1:5]
grrp pgpg rprr yprw gggp
grrp 0 4 3 2
PG4 0 4 3
rprr 3 4 0 2 4
yprw 3 4 2 0 4
gggp 2 3 4 0


上述重复的圈数建议示例。 注意,由于依赖随机抽样,这仍然不能保证不会有仅在一个位置不同的代码对。不过,这是一个好的开始-谢谢

# install.packages("gtools")

## Available colours
x <- c("W", "R", "G", "B", "P", "Y")

## Generate all possible colour combinations, for 6 colours & 4 positions
body <- data.frame(permutations(n=6,r=4,v=x,repeats.allowed=T), stringsAsFactors = F) ; colnames(body) <- c("Head","Thorax","L_gaster","R_gaster")

## concatenate each colour-code to a sequence without spaces, etc
m    <- paste( body$Head, body$Thorax, body$L_gaster, body$R_gaster, sep="")

COLONY_SIZE <- 50    ## How many adult workers in the colony excluding the queen
N_Attempts  <- 1000  ## How many alternative solutions to generate - the more the better, but it takes longer

## prepare data-containers
Summary <- NULL
LvList <- list()

for (TRY in 1:N_Attempts)
  y <- sample(m, COLONY_SIZE)     ## randomly sample COLONY_SIZE codes
  ## measure pairwise Levenshtein distances for all pair combinations
  Matrix <- sapply(y, function(x) levenshtein.distance(x, y))
  diag(Matrix) <- NA              ## eliminate self-self measure (distance = 0)
  Matrix[lower.tri(Matrix)] <- NA ## dist i-j = dist j-i
  ## store solution
  LvList[[TRY]] <- Matrix         
  ## summarize each solution using three metrics:
  ## (i) the average pair distance (higher is better)
  ## (ii) the number of 'close' code pairs (those with the minimum distance of 1 - lower is better)
  ## (iii) the maximum number of 'close' code *pairs across all codes (lower is better)
  Summary <- rbind(Summary, data.frame(Mean_Distance          = mean(Matrix, na.rm=T),
                                       N_close_pairs         = sum(Matrix[!is.na(Matrix)]==1),
                                       N_close_pairs_per_ant = max(rowSums( Matrix==1, na.rm=T)) ))

## ***Find the solution with the fewest pairs wiRth the lowest distance***

Summary$Mean_Distance_Rank          <- rank(Summary$Mean_Distance)
Summary$N_close_pairs_Rank         <- rank(-Summary$N_close_pairs)
Summary$N_close_pairs_per_ant_Rank <- rank(-Summary$N_close_pairs_per_ant)
Summary$Rank_Total <- Summary$Mean_Distance_Rank + Summary$N_close_pairs_Rank + Summary$N_close_pairs_per_ant_Rank

solution <- rownames( LvList[[which.max(Summary$Rank_Total)]] )

## Highlight candidate solutions
Colour <- rep(rgb(0,0,0,0.1,1),nrow(Summary) )
Colour [which.max(Summary$Rank_Total) ] <- "red"
pairs(Summary[,c("Mean_Distance","N_close_pairs","N_close_pairs_per_ant")], col=Colour, bg=Colour, pch=21, cex=1.4) 

## format into a table
SOLUTION <- data.frame(Code=1:COLONY_SIZE, t(as.data.frame(sapply(solution, strsplit, "")))) 
colnames(SOLUTION)[2:5] <-  c("Head","Thorax","L_gaster","R_gaster")




outputfolder <- "XXXXXXXXXX"
dir.create(outputfolder,showWarnings = F)

## Available colours
x <- c("W", "R", "G", "B", "P", "Y")

## Generate all possible colour combinations, for 6 colours & 4 positions
body <- data.frame(permutations(n=6,r=4,v=x,repeats.allowed=T), stringsAsFactors = F) ; colnames(body) <- c("Head","Thorax","L_gaster","R_gaster")

## Generate edge list
edge_list <- data.frame(comb_1=character(),comb_2=character(),similarity=character())
if (!file.exists("Edge_list.txt")){
  edge_list <- read.table("Edge_list.txt",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
if (nrow(edge_list)>0){
  last_i <- edge_list[nrow(edge_list),"comb_1"]
  last_j <- edge_list[nrow(edge_list),"comb_2"]

if (!(last_i==(nrow(body)-1)&last_j==nrow(body))){
  for (i in last_i:(nrow(body)-1)){
    for (j in (i+1):nrow(body)){
      if (i>last_i|j>last_j){
        simil <- length(which(body[i,]==body[j,]))
        if (simil>0){



######let's make 3 graphs with edges representing overlap between combinations ###
##First graph, in which ANY overlap between two combinations is seen as an edge. Will be used to produce list of paint combination with no overlap
net1 <- graph.data.frame(edge_list[c("comb_1","comb_2")],directed=F)

##Second graph, in which only overlaps of 2 or more spots is seen as an edge. Will be used to produce list of paint combinations with no more than 1 spot in common
net2 <- graph.data.frame(edge_list[which(edge_list$similarity>=2),c("comb_1","comb_2")],directed=F)

##Third graph, in which only overlaps of 3 or more spots is seen as an edge. Will be used to produce list of paint combinations with no more than 2 spots in common
net3 <- graph.data.frame(edge_list[which(edge_list$similarity>=3),c("comb_1","comb_2")],directed=F)

#######Now let's use the ivs function to get independent vertex sets, i.e., set of vertices with no connections between any of them
no_overlap_list <- largest_ivs(net1)
max_one_spot_overlap_list <- largest_ivs(net2)
max_two_spots_overlap_list <- largest_ivs(net3)

lvmat <- sapply(y, function(x) levenshtein.distance(x, y))

> lvmat[1:5, 1:5]
     grrp pgpg rprr yprw gggp
grrp    0    4    3    3    2
pgpg    4    0    4    4    3
rprr    3    4    0    2    4
yprw    3    4    2    0    4
gggp    2    3    4    4    0
# install.packages("gtools")

## Available colours
x <- c("W", "R", "G", "B", "P", "Y")

## Generate all possible colour combinations, for 6 colours & 4 positions
body <- data.frame(permutations(n=6,r=4,v=x,repeats.allowed=T), stringsAsFactors = F) ; colnames(body) <- c("Head","Thorax","L_gaster","R_gaster")

## concatenate each colour-code to a sequence without spaces, etc
m    <- paste( body$Head, body$Thorax, body$L_gaster, body$R_gaster, sep="")

COLONY_SIZE <- 50    ## How many adult workers in the colony excluding the queen
N_Attempts  <- 1000  ## How many alternative solutions to generate - the more the better, but it takes longer

## prepare data-containers
Summary <- NULL
LvList <- list()

for (TRY in 1:N_Attempts)
  y <- sample(m, COLONY_SIZE)     ## randomly sample COLONY_SIZE codes
  ## measure pairwise Levenshtein distances for all pair combinations
  Matrix <- sapply(y, function(x) levenshtein.distance(x, y))
  diag(Matrix) <- NA              ## eliminate self-self measure (distance = 0)
  Matrix[lower.tri(Matrix)] <- NA ## dist i-j = dist j-i
  ## store solution
  LvList[[TRY]] <- Matrix         
  ## summarize each solution using three metrics:
  ## (i) the average pair distance (higher is better)
  ## (ii) the number of 'close' code pairs (those with the minimum distance of 1 - lower is better)
  ## (iii) the maximum number of 'close' code *pairs across all codes (lower is better)
  Summary <- rbind(Summary, data.frame(Mean_Distance          = mean(Matrix, na.rm=T),
                                       N_close_pairs         = sum(Matrix[!is.na(Matrix)]==1),
                                       N_close_pairs_per_ant = max(rowSums( Matrix==1, na.rm=T)) ))

## ***Find the solution with the fewest pairs wiRth the lowest distance***

Summary$Mean_Distance_Rank          <- rank(Summary$Mean_Distance)
Summary$N_close_pairs_Rank         <- rank(-Summary$N_close_pairs)
Summary$N_close_pairs_per_ant_Rank <- rank(-Summary$N_close_pairs_per_ant)
Summary$Rank_Total <- Summary$Mean_Distance_Rank + Summary$N_close_pairs_Rank + Summary$N_close_pairs_per_ant_Rank

solution <- rownames( LvList[[which.max(Summary$Rank_Total)]] )

## Highlight candidate solutions
Colour <- rep(rgb(0,0,0,0.1,1),nrow(Summary) )
Colour [which.max(Summary$Rank_Total) ] <- "red"
pairs(Summary[,c("Mean_Distance","N_close_pairs","N_close_pairs_per_ant")], col=Colour, bg=Colour, pch=21, cex=1.4) 

## format into a table
SOLUTION <- data.frame(Code=1:COLONY_SIZE, t(as.data.frame(sapply(solution, strsplit, "")))) 
colnames(SOLUTION)[2:5] <-  c("Head","Thorax","L_gaster","R_gaster")


outputfolder <- "XXXXXXXXXX"
dir.create(outputfolder,showWarnings = F)

## Available colours
x <- c("W", "R", "G", "B", "P", "Y")

## Generate all possible colour combinations, for 6 colours & 4 positions
body <- data.frame(permutations(n=6,r=4,v=x,repeats.allowed=T), stringsAsFactors = F) ; colnames(body) <- c("Head","Thorax","L_gaster","R_gaster")

## Generate edge list
edge_list <- data.frame(comb_1=character(),comb_2=character(),similarity=character())
if (!file.exists("Edge_list.txt")){
  edge_list <- read.table("Edge_list.txt",header=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
if (nrow(edge_list)>0){
  last_i <- edge_list[nrow(edge_list),"comb_1"]
  last_j <- edge_list[nrow(edge_list),"comb_2"]

if (!(last_i==(nrow(body)-1)&last_j==nrow(body))){
  for (i in last_i:(nrow(body)-1)){
    for (j in (i+1):nrow(body)){
      if (i>last_i|j>last_j){
        simil <- length(which(body[i,]==body[j,]))
        if (simil>0){



######let's make 3 graphs with edges representing overlap between combinations ###
##First graph, in which ANY overlap between two combinations is seen as an edge. Will be used to produce list of paint combination with no overlap
net1 <- graph.data.frame(edge_list[c("comb_1","comb_2")],directed=F)

##Second graph, in which only overlaps of 2 or more spots is seen as an edge. Will be used to produce list of paint combinations with no more than 1 spot in common
net2 <- graph.data.frame(edge_list[which(edge_list$similarity>=2),c("comb_1","comb_2")],directed=F)

##Third graph, in which only overlaps of 3 or more spots is seen as an edge. Will be used to produce list of paint combinations with no more than 2 spots in common
net3 <- graph.data.frame(edge_list[which(edge_list$similarity>=3),c("comb_1","comb_2")],directed=F)

#######Now let's use the ivs function to get independent vertex sets, i.e., set of vertices with no connections between any of them
no_overlap_list <- largest_ivs(net1)
max_one_spot_overlap_list <- largest_ivs(net2)
max_two_spots_overlap_list <- largest_ivs(net3)