R Ozone35数据集上的Gibbs抽样方案

R Ozone35数据集上的Gibbs抽样方案,r,regression,bayesian,R,Regression,Bayesian,我正试图在R中BayesVarSel软件包中的数据集Ozone35上运行Gibbs采样方案 以下是数据集Ozone35的信息: A data frame with 178 observations on the following 36 variables. y Response = Daily maximum 1-hour-average ozone reading (ppm) at Upland, CA x4 500-millibar pressure height (m) measur



A data frame with 178 observations on the following 36 variables.

y Response = Daily maximum 1-hour-average ozone reading (ppm) at Upland, CA

x4 500-millibar pressure height (m) measured at Vandenberg AFB

x5 Wind speed (mph) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

x6 Humidity (percentage) at LAX

x7 Temperature (Fahrenheit degrees) measured at Sandburg, CA

x8 Inversion base height (feet) at LAX

x9 Pressure gradient (mm Hg) from LAX to Daggett, CA

x10 Visibility (miles) measured at LAX

x4.x4 =x4*x4

x4.x5 =x4*x5

x4.x6 =x4*x6

x4.x7 =x4*x7

x4.x8 =x4*x8

x4.x9 =x4*x9

x4.x10 =x4*x1010 Ozone35

x5.x5 =x5*x5

x5.x6 =x5*x6

x5.x7 =x5*x7

x5.x8 =x5*x8

x5.x9 =x5*x9

x5.x10 =x5*x10

x6.x6 =x6*x6

x6.x7 =x6*x7

x6.x8 =x6*x8

x6.x9 =x6*x9

x6.x10 =x6*x10

x7.x7 =x7*x7

x7.x8 =x7*x8

x7.x9 =x7*x9

x7.x10 =x7*x10

x8.x8 =x8*x8

x8.x9 =x8*x9

x8.x10 =x8*x10

x9.x9 =x9*x9

x9.x10 =x9*x10

x10.x10 =x10*x10

Oz35.GibbsBvs<- GibbsBvs(formula="y~.", data=Ozone35, prior.betas="gZellner",
                     prior.models="Constant", n.iter=10000,     
init.model="null",n.burnin=100, time.test = FALSE)



plotBvs(Oz35.GibbsBvs, option="conditional")