Raspberry pi Raspberry Pi3是独占缓存还是包含缓存?

Raspberry pi Raspberry Pi3是独占缓存还是包含缓存?,raspberry-pi,arm,raspberry-pi2,raspberry-pi3,cpu-cache,Raspberry Pi,Arm,Raspberry Pi2,Raspberry Pi3,Cpu Cache,Raspberry Pi 3型号B采用四核64位ARM Cortex A53,时钟频率为1.2 GHz,具有32kB的1级和512kB的2级缓存 我的问题是缓存是什么类型的,是独占的还是包含的?在哪里可以找到这些信息?在()中找到答案: 我很确定单处理器机器的专用缓存已经过时了。信息将在ARM的网站上发布。假设l1绑定到每个核心,然后l2共享,但您只需查看一下。它在一些ARM设备上是可配置的。每个核心上的L1必须知道其他L1核心访问。这是问题的一部分。通常,这取决于执行何种类型的“写”缓存。如果

Raspberry Pi 3型号B采用四核64位ARM Cortex A53,时钟频率为1.2 GHz,具有32kB的1级和512kB的2级缓存



For data accesses, the Cortex-A53 uses "tends towards exclusive" cache allocation policy:
  "Data is allocated to the L2 cache only when evicted from the L1 memory system, not when first fetched from the system. The only exceptions to this rule are for memory marked with the inner transient hint, or for non-temporal loads, see Non-temporal loads, that are only ever allocated to the L2 cache. The L1 cache can prefetch data from the system, without data being evicted from the L2 cache."

For instruction fetches, the Cortex-A53 uses "tends towards inclusive" cache allocation policy:
   "Instructions are allocated to the L2 cache when fetched from the system and can be invalidated during maintenance operations."

It is impossible to modify the this cache policy, this is non-configurable.