React native react native starter project giving“;“转换错误”;使用删除的Babel 5选项错误和红色屏幕

React native react native starter project giving“;“转换错误”;使用删除的Babel 5选项错误和红色屏幕,react-native,babeljs,React Native,Babeljs,尝试开始使用react native并运行此 react-native init SomeApp react-native run-ios 这就产生了红屏错误 TransformError Using removed Babel 5 options Projects/.bablerc.optional Put the specific transforms you want in the plugins option 我遵循了这个bug的说明: 并在开发依赖项中添加了一个特定版本的babe

尝试开始使用react native并运行此

react-native init SomeApp
react-native run-ios

TransformError Using removed Babel 5 options Projects/.bablerc.optional Put the specific transforms you want in the plugins option

并在开发依赖项中添加了一个特定版本的babel,这似乎已经修复了它。为什么react starter说明和项目模板在package.json中没有这些内容?这是一个bug吗