Reactjs react中文本的超链接

Reactjs react中文本的超链接,reactjs,Reactjs,如何在我试过的文本上建立链接请帮助我做错了什么 当我单击“立即加入”文本时,注册是唯一的路径更改 e、 g注册/ 错误 index.js:2178 Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <a> cannot appear as a descendant of <a>. in a (created by Link) in Link (at Login.js:205) in Router (created by Brows


当我单击“立即加入”文本时,注册是唯一的路径更改 e、 g注册/


index.js:2178 Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <a> cannot appear as a descendant of <a>.
    in a (created by Link)
    in Link (at Login.js:205)
    in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
    in BrowserRouter (at Login.js:203)
    in a (at Login.js:123)
    in MyLink (created by WithStyles(MyLink))
    in WithStyles(MyLink) (at Login.js:200)
    in p (created by Typography)
    in Typography (created by WithStyles(Typography))
    in WithStyles(Typography) (at Login.js:197)
    in div (created by Paper)
    in Paper (created by WithStyles(Paper))
    in WithStyles(Paper) (created by Card)
    in Card (created by WithStyles(Card))
    in WithStyles(Card) (at Login.js:166)
    in div (at Login.js:164)
    in Login (created by WithStyles(Login))
    in WithStyles(Login) (at App.js:35)
    in div (at App.js:33)
    in App (created by WithStyles(App))
    in WithStyles(App) (at index.js:9)

index.js:2178 Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <a> cannot appear as a descendant of <a>.
    in a (created by Link)
    in Link (at Login.js:205)
    in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
    in BrowserRouter (at Login.js:203)
    in a (at Login.js:123)
    in MyLink (created by WithStyles(MyLink))
    in WithStyles(MyLink) (at Login.js:200)
    in p (created by Typography)
    in Typography (created by WithStyles(Typography))
    in WithStyles(Typography) (at Login.js:197)
    in div (created by Paper)
    in Paper (created by WithStyles(Paper))
    in WithStyles(Paper) (created by Card)
    in Card (created by WithStyles(Card))
    in WithStyles(Card) (at Login.js:166)
    in div (at Login.js:164)
    in Login (created by WithStyles(Login))
    in WithStyles(Login) (at App.js:35)
    in div (at App.js:33)
    in App (created by WithStyles(App))
    in WithStyles(App) (at index.js:9)
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, NavLink} from 'react-router-dom';

      {/*You can add more links here*/}
      <li><NavLink to='/Signup'>Join Now</NavLink></li>


    <Route path='/SignUp' component={ComponentName} />