Regex 查找一个模式的两个或多个出现点;“提交报告”;或;“已提交报告”;使用vba正则表达式

Regex 查找一个模式的两个或多个出现点;“提交报告”;或;“已提交报告”;使用vba正则表达式,regex,vba,excel,Regex,Vba,Excel,我是vba正则表达式新手,我需要在一个非常大的报告中查找字段,其中文本字段或文本单元格中的文本包含以下模式的3个或更多实例: 使用vba正则表达式“提交报告”或“提交报告”或“提交代表”或“重新提交代表”或“重新提交报告”,不区分大小写 我无法计算正则表达式和条件计数,因此可以将其调整为2、3或更多 任何指导都将不胜感激。我不确定如何使用RegEx实现这一点,以下肯定不是解决此问题的最佳方法。但它确实起到了作用。希望这有助于: Option Compare Text Public Sub Se






Option Compare Text

Public Sub SearchForMultipleOccurencesOfReport()
Dim bolFoundSomehing As Boolean
Dim strLargeReport As String
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim lngLooper As Long
Dim z As Variant

intCounter = 0
strLargeReport = "This is the text of your large report containing all these searched terms like submit report, submitting rep, or resubmitting report."

For lngLooper = 1 To 100000
    bolFoundSomehing = False
    z = InStr(1, strLargeReport, "submit report")
    If IsNumeric(z) And z > 0 Then
        lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
        bolFoundSomehing = True
        strLargeReport = Mid(strLargeReport, InStr(1, strLargeReport, "submit report") + Len("submit report"))
    End If
    z = InStr(1, strLargeReport, "submitted report")
    If IsNumeric(z) And z > 0 Then
        lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
        bolFoundSomehing = True
        strLargeReport = Mid(strLargeReport, InStr(1, strLargeReport, "submitted report") + Len("submitted report"))
    End If
    z = InStr(1, strLargeReport, "submitting rep")
    If IsNumeric(z) And z > 0 Then
        lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
        bolFoundSomehing = True
        strLargeReport = Mid(strLargeReport, InStr(1, strLargeReport, "submitting rep") + Len("submitting rep"))
    End If
    z = InStr(1, strLargeReport, "resubmitted rep")
    If IsNumeric(z) And z > 0 Then
        lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
        bolFoundSomehing = True
        strLargeReport = Mid(strLargeReport, InStr(1, strLargeReport, "resubmitted rep") + Len("resubmitted rep"))
    End If
    z = InStr(1, strLargeReport, "resubmitting report")
    If IsNumeric(z) And z > 0 Then
        lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
        bolFoundSomehing = True
        strLargeReport = Mid(strLargeReport, InStr(1, strLargeReport, "resubmitting report") + Len("resubmitting report"))
    End If
    If bolFoundSomehing = False Then Exit For
Next lngLooper

MsgBox "Found " & lngCounter & " occurences of the searched terms in the report."

End Sub


/(?:re)?submit(?:ted|ting)? rep(?:ort)?/i

/(?:re)?submit(?:ted|ting)? rep(?:ort)?.+?(?:re)?submit(?:ted|ting)? rep(?:ort)?/i