Replace 记事本++;双括号中的子表达式的regexp ID

Replace 记事本++;双括号中的子表达式的regexp ID,replace,expression,notepad++,Replace,Expression,Notepad++,我试图在记事本++中找到如下字符串: '<a href="/mp3files/cards/Sentence With any Number of Words.mp3"></a>', 或另一种方法: (cards/)([^\s]{1,50})([\s\.\?\!\-\,]{0,})([^\s]{1,50}) 这两个都可以搜索,但我找不到替代品。 问题是一个句子中的字数可能不同。 我无法得到双括号中的子表达式的ID 以下替换格式:\1\2\3…不起作用


'<a href="/mp3files/cards/Sentence With any Number of Words.mp3"></a>',

这两个都可以搜索,但我找不到替代品。 问题是一个句子中的字数可能不同。 我无法得到双括号中的子表达式的ID



  • Ctrl+H
  • 查找内容:
  • 替换为:
  • 检查环绕
  • 检查正则表达式
  • 全部替换

(?:                     # non capture group
    href="/mp3files/cards/  # literally
  |                       # OR
    \G                      # restart fro last match position
)                       # end group
(?!\.mp3)               # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't ".mp3" after this position
\K                      # forget all we have seen until this position
(\S+)                   # group 1, 1 or more non spaces
(?:                     # non capture group
    \h+                     # 1 or more horizontal spaces
  |                       # OR
    (\.mp3)                 # group 2, literally ".mp3"
)                       # end group
\L$1            # lowercase content of group 1
(?2             # if group 2 exists (the extension .mp3)
    $2              # use it
  :               # else
    -               # put a hyphen
)               # endif

(?:                     # non capture group
    href="/mp3files/cards/  # literally
  |                       # OR
    \G                      # restart fro last match position
)                       # end group
(?!\.mp3)               # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't ".mp3" after this position
\K                      # forget all we have seen until this position
(\S+)                   # group 1, 1 or more non spaces
(?:                     # non capture group
    \h+                     # 1 or more horizontal spaces
  |                       # OR
    (\.mp3)                 # group 2, literally ".mp3"
)                       # end group
\L$1            # lowercase content of group 1
(?2             # if group 2 exists (the extension .mp3)
    $2              # use it
  :               # else
    -               # put a hyphen
)               # endif

(?:                     # non capture group
    href="/mp3files/cards/  # literally
  |                       # OR
    \G                      # restart fro last match position
)                       # end group
(?!\.mp3)               # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't ".mp3" after this position
\K                      # forget all we have seen until this position
(\S+)                   # group 1, 1 or more non spaces
(?:                     # non capture group
    \h+                     # 1 or more horizontal spaces
  |                       # OR
    (\.mp3)                 # group 2, literally ".mp3"
)                       # end group
\L$1            # lowercase content of group 1
(?2             # if group 2 exists (the extension .mp3)
    $2              # use it
  :               # else
    -               # put a hyphen
)               # endif


(?:                     # non capture group
    href="/mp3files/cards/  # literally
  |                       # OR
    \G                      # restart fro last match position
)                       # end group
(?!\.mp3)               # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't ".mp3" after this position
\K                      # forget all we have seen until this position
(\S+)                   # group 1, 1 or more non spaces
(?:                     # non capture group
    \h+                     # 1 or more horizontal spaces
  |                       # OR
    (\.mp3)                 # group 2, literally ".mp3"
)                       # end group
\L$1            # lowercase content of group 1
(?2             # if group 2 exists (the extension .mp3)
    $2              # use it
  :               # else
    -               # put a hyphen
)               # endif
