Reporting services 具有管理员权限,但无法登录到Sql Server 2016 reporting services配置管理器

Reporting services 具有管理员权限,但无法登录到Sql Server 2016 reporting services配置管理器,reporting-services,ssrs-2012,configurationmanager,ssrs-2016,Reporting Services,Ssrs 2012,Configurationmanager,Ssrs 2016,我正在尝试访问reporting services配置管理器。我有管理员权限。当我打开服务器时,我可以登录并选择实例,但当我尝试访问任何选项卡时,我收到以下错误: There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retrieving WMI properties. The exception details are: Access is denied. You must be an adm

我正在尝试访问reporting services配置管理器。我有管理员权限。当我打开服务器时,我可以登录并选择实例,但当我尝试访问任何选项卡时,我收到以下错误:

There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retrieving
WMI properties. The exception details are:

Access is denied. You must be an administrator on the Report Server computer to use this tool.
