如何使用yeoman、grunt、usemin 2和requirejs?

如何使用yeoman、grunt、usemin 2和requirejs?,requirejs,gruntjs,grunt-usemin,grunt-requirejs,Requirejs,Gruntjs,Grunt Usemin,Grunt Requirejs,我正试着用Grunt、usemin 2、requirejs和uglify把我的脑袋绕过去。我在构建中观察到的是,requirejs没有将依赖项正确地包含到我的单个连接构建文件中。当我在/dist外运行index.html时,我在查找“jquery”、“app”和一些第三方js文件时会看到错误,有时还会看到“define is not defined” 我阅读了关于grunt usemin和删除require块的以下问题,但这些线程中仍然存在一些问题 我继续我的搜索,发现了这篇文章,这让我

我正试着用Grunt、usemin 2、requirejs和uglify把我的脑袋绕过去。我在构建中观察到的是,requirejs没有将依赖项正确地包含到我的单个连接构建文件中。当我在/dist外运行index.html时,我在查找“jquery”、“app”和一些第三方js文件时会看到错误,有时还会看到“define is not defined”

我阅读了关于grunt usemin和删除require块的以下问题,但这些线程中仍然存在一些问题

我继续我的搜索,发现了这篇文章,这让我看到了当我从使用grunt contrib Requirejs改为grunt Requirejs时运行的Requirejs优化器。不幸的是,我仍然看到这些错误:

Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined.

<!-- build:js js/main.js -->
    <script src="bower_components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
    <script src="js/main.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->



有没有人想出了使用usemin v2和grunt和requirejs在构建时输出到单个concat+uglify文件的最佳方法?我也不确定使用grunt contrib requirejs和grunt requirejs有什么区别,以及何时使用哪一个。



grunt.registerTask('build', [
        'copy', // copies the src directory to dist (htdocs)
        'requirejs', // do an r.js build to concat modular dependencies
        'concat:head', // concats js in the head
        'uglify:head', // compresses js in the head
        'uglify:foot', // compresses js in the foot
        'cssmin', // minifies and concats css
        'usemin', // runs through html and inputs minified js and css
        'clean:afterBuild' // deletes files that are not required for build
module.exports = function(grunt, options) {
    return {
        compile: {
            options: {
                appDir: "src/to/require/app",
                baseUrl: "./",
                mainConfigFile: "src/to/require/app/common",
                dir: "dist/to/require/app",
                // build a common layer
                modules: [
                        "name": "common"
下面是每个相关的Grunt任务(对我来说,这些任务存储在单独的文件中,因为我使用load Grunt config)。如果要在GrunFile中使用这些,则只需获取返回对象中的所有内容,并将其粘贴到GrunFile中的任务值中:


module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        main: {
            cwd: 'src/',
            src: '**',
            dest: 'dist/',
            expand: true,
            flatten: false
module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        head: {
            /* other stuff *
        foot: {
            files: {
                'src/to/require/app/compiled_footer_js.min.js': ['src/to/require/app/compiled_footer_js.js']

grunt.registerTask('build', [
        'copy', // copies the src directory to dist (htdocs)
        'requirejs', // do an r.js build to concat modular dependencies
        'concat:head', // concats js in the head
        'uglify:head', // compresses js in the head
        'uglify:foot', // compresses js in the foot
        'cssmin', // minifies and concats css
        'usemin', // runs through html and inputs minified js and css
        'clean:afterBuild' // deletes files that are not required for build
module.exports = function(grunt, options) {
    return {
        compile: {
            options: {
                appDir: "src/to/require/app",
                baseUrl: "./",
                mainConfigFile: "src/to/require/app/common",
                dir: "dist/to/require/app",
                // build a common layer
                modules: [
                        "name": "common"

module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        head: {
            /* other stuff */
        foot: {
            src: [
            dest: 'src/to/require/app/compiled_footer_js.js',

module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        main: {
            cwd: 'src/',
            src: '**',
            dest: 'dist/',
            expand: true,
            flatten: false
module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        head: {
            /* other stuff *
        foot: {
            files: {
                'src/to/require/app/compiled_footer_js.min.js': ['src/to/require/app/compiled_footer_js.js']

module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        html: [            