Ruby on rails 如何在当前视图/局部视图上渲染和显示错误?

Ruby on rails 如何在当前视图/局部视图上渲染和显示错误?,ruby-on-rails,validation,ruby-on-rails-4,simple-form,Ruby On Rails,Validation,Ruby On Rails 4,Simple Form,我有一个表单分部,我想在分部上显示错误消息,而不重定向到其他地方 我该怎么做 这是我的PostsController创建 这是用户所在的简单表单部分,我希望在右侧字段内联显示错误消息,甚至在表单顶部显示错误消息,而无需重定向 <%= simple_form_for(@post, html: {class: 'form-horizontal' }) do |f| %> <%= f.error_notification %> <%= f.input_f





<%= simple_form_for(@post, html: {class: 'form-horizontal' }) do |f| %> 
    <%= f.error_notification %>
    <%= f.input_field :parent_id, as: :hidden %>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
                    <% if can? :manage, @post %>
                    <label for="status">
                            <%= f.input_field :status, label: "Status", collection: Post.statuses.keys, selected: :unconfirmed %>
                    <% end %>           

                        <% if can? :manage, @post %>
                <label for="title">
                        <%= f.input_field :title, placeholder: "Enter Title"  %>
                            <span id="wordCountTitle">0</span> words<br/>
                            <span class="help-block">A block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.</span>            
                        <% end %>
                            <div class="report-field">
                    <label for="report">
                    <div class="input-group">
                        <span class="input-group-addon"><span class="fa fa-file-text"></span>
                                    <%= f.input_field :body, id: "body-field", placeholder: "Provide all the facts of what happened, who did it, and where it happened.", class: "form-control", rows: "4" %><br />
                                <span class="help-block">Please avoid speculation.</span>                                           
                                <span id="wordCountBody">0</span> / 150 words

                <label for="name">
                    Check if you are an eye witness:
                            <%= f.input_field :has_eyewitness, boolean_style: :inline %>

                            <label for="photoFileUpload">Upload Images:</label>
                                <%= f.input_field :photo %>
                            <p class="help-block">Allowed: png, gif, jpg/jpeg</p>

                            <label for="FileUpload">Upload Documents, Video, or Audio:</label>
                                <%= f.input_field :file %>
                            <p class="help-block">Allowed: pdf, doc, xls, mp4, m4v, mp3, wav.</p>

        <% if can? :manage, @post %>
                <%= f.input :youtube_embed_code %> <br />
                <%= f.input :soundcloud_embed_code %> <br />
            <% end %>

    <div class="col-xs-12">
            <%= f.button :submit, class: "btn btn-primary pull-left" %>
    </div> <!-- //row -->
<% end %>


<%= simple_form_for(@post, html: {class: 'form-horizontal' }) do |f| %> 
    <%= f.error_notification %>
    <%= f.input_field :parent_id, as: :hidden %>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
                    <% if can? :manage, @post %>
                    <label for="status">
                            <%= f.input_field :status, label: "Status", collection: Post.statuses.keys, selected: :unconfirmed %>
                    <% end %>           

                        <% if can? :manage, @post %>
                <label for="title">
                        <%= f.input_field :title, placeholder: "Enter Title"  %>
                            <span id="wordCountTitle">0</span> words<br/>
                            <span class="help-block">A block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.</span>            
                        <% end %>
                            <div class="report-field">
                    <label for="report">
                    <div class="input-group">
                        <span class="input-group-addon"><span class="fa fa-file-text"></span>
                                    <%= f.input_field :body, id: "body-field", placeholder: "Provide all the facts of what happened, who did it, and where it happened.", class: "form-control", rows: "4" %><br />
                                <span class="help-block">Please avoid speculation.</span>                                           
                                <span id="wordCountBody">0</span> / 150 words

                <label for="name">
                    Check if you are an eye witness:
                            <%= f.input_field :has_eyewitness, boolean_style: :inline %>

                            <label for="photoFileUpload">Upload Images:</label>
                                <%= f.input_field :photo %>
                            <p class="help-block">Allowed: png, gif, jpg/jpeg</p>

                            <label for="FileUpload">Upload Documents, Video, or Audio:</label>
                                <%= f.input_field :file %>
                            <p class="help-block">Allowed: pdf, doc, xls, mp4, m4v, mp3, wav.</p>

        <% if can? :manage, @post %>
                <%= f.input :youtube_embed_code %> <br />
                <%= f.input :soundcloud_embed_code %> <br />
            <% end %>

    <div class="col-xs-12">
            <%= f.button :submit, class: "btn btn-primary pull-left" %>
    </div> <!-- //row -->
<% end %>