Rxjs 在redux observable中,如何在任何其他操作之前触发一个操作

Rxjs 在redux observable中,如何在任何其他操作之前触发一个操作,rxjs,redux-observable,Rxjs,Redux Observable,背景: 我使用epics来管理请求 对于我发送的每个请求,都会发送一个令牌,该令牌可能会过期,但可以在宽限期内刷新 我正在为每个请求使用令牌,但在发送任何请求之前,我想检查令牌是否过期,如果过期且有宽限期,则首先刷新令牌,然后继续执行相应的操作 所有的请求都有自己的史诗 现在,我尝试的是对所有操作进行预挂接,以检查令牌并刷新它,然后继续操作 希望这能解释 // epics for querying data // these epics are using a token, that is st








// epics for querying data
// these epics are using a token, that is stored in redux state.

const getMenuEpic = action$ => ....

const getFoodListEpic = action$ => ....

const getFoodItemEpic = action$ => ....


// helper function to check 
// if token has expired

const hasTokenExpired = (token) => .....

// refresh token 
// this returns a new token in the promise

const refreshToken = fetch('http://.../refresh-toekn')

// i am trying to make an epic, that will fire 
// before any actions in the application
// stop the action (let's call it action A)
// get token from redux state, 
// verify if is valid or not
// if invalid call refresh token (async process), 
// and when refresh token finished, proceed with the incoming action A
// if the token was valid then continue with action A.

const refreshEpic = (action$, store) => 
 action$.map(() => store.getState().token)
  .filter(token => hasTokenExpired(token))
  .mergeMap(() => refreshToken()) ...



它不可能真正阻止一个动作到达你的还原器——实际上在它被发送到你的epics之前它已经通过了还原器——相反,你可以发送一个动作,该动作发出获取意图的信号,但实际上不是触发它的原因。e、 g.UI分派FETCH_某物,epic看到它,确认存在有效的刷新令牌(或获取新令牌),然后发出另一个操作来实际触发FETCH,例如,使用令牌FETCH_某物


在助手中包装提取 您可以编写一个助手来为您进行检查,如果需要刷新,它将请求并等待刷新后再继续。我个人会在单独的专用epic中处理实际刷新,这样可以防止多个并发刷新请求和其他类似的事情

const requireValidToken = (action$, store, callback) => {
  const needsRefresh = hasTokenExpired(store.getState().token);

  if (needsRefresh) {
    return action$.ofType(REFRESH_TOKEN_SUCCESS)
      .mergeMap(() => callback(store.getState().token))
      .startWith({ type: REFRESH_TOKEN });
  } else {
    return callback(store.getState().token);

const getMenuEpic = (action$, store) =>
    .switchMap(() =>
      requireValidToken(action$, store, token =>
          .map(response => getMenuSuccess(response))
“超级史诗” 编辑:这是我最初的建议,但比上面的建议复杂得多。它也有一些好处,但是上面的一个会更容易使用和维护




// action creator helper to add the requiresAuth metadata
const requiresAuth = action => ({
  meta: {
    requiresAuth: true
// action creators
const getMenu = id => requiresAuth({
  type: 'GET_MENU',
const getFoodList = () => requiresAuth({
  type: 'GET_FOOD_LIST'

// epics
const getMenuEpic = action$ => stuff
const getFoodListEpic = action$ => stuff

const refreshTokenEpic = action$ =>
    // If there's already a pending refreshToken() we'll ignore the new
    // request to do it again since its redundant. If you instead want to
    // cancel the pending one and start again, use switchMap()
    .exhaustMap(() =>
        .map(response => ({
          type: REFRESH_TOKEN_SUCCESS,
          token: response.token
        // probably should force user to re-login or whatevs
        .catch(error => Observable.of({
          type: REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILED,

// factory to create a "super-epic" which will only
// pass along requiresAuth actions when we have a
// valid token, refreshing it if needed before.
const createRequiresTokenEpic = (...epics) => (action$, ...rest) => {
  // The epics we're delegating for
  const delegatorEpic = combineEpics(...epics);
  // We need some way to emit REFRESH_TOKEN actions
  // so I just hacked it with a Subject. There is
  // prolly a more elegant way to do this but #YOLO
  const output$ = new Subject();

  // This becomes action$ for all the epics we're delegating
  // for. This will hold off on giving an action to those
  // epics until we have a valid token. But remember,
  // this doesn't delay your *reducers* from seeing it
  // as its already been through them!
  const filteredAction$ = action$
    .mergeMap(action => {
      if (action.meta && action.meta.requiresAuth) {
        const needsRefresh = hasTokenExpired(store.getState().token);

        if (needsRefresh) {
          // Kick off the refreshing of the token
          output$.next({ type: REFRESH_TOKEN });

          // Wait for a successful refresh
          return action$.ofType(REFRESH_TOKEN_SUCCESS)
            // Its wise to handle the case when refreshing fails.
            // This example just gives up and never sends the
            // original action through because presumably
            // this is a fatal app state and should be handled
            // in refreshTokenEpic (.e.g. force relogin)

      // Actions which don't require auth are passed through as-is
      return Observable.of(action);

  return Observable.merge(
    delegatorEpic(filteredAction$, ...rest),

const requiresTokenEpic = createRequiresTokenEpic(getMenuEpic, getFoodList, ...etc);


不可能真正阻止一个动作到达你的减速器——实际上,在它发送给你的史诗之前,它已经通过了减速器——相反,你可以发送一个动作,它表示要取的意图,但实际上不是触发它的原因。e、 g.UI分派FETCH_某物,epic看到它,确认存在有效的刷新令牌(或获取新令牌),然后发出另一个操作来实际触发FETCH,例如,使用令牌FETCH_某物


在助手中包装提取 您可以编写一个助手来为您进行检查,如果需要刷新,它将请求并等待刷新后再继续。我个人会在单独的专用epic中处理实际刷新,这样可以防止多个并发刷新请求和其他类似的事情

const requireValidToken = (action$, store, callback) => {
  const needsRefresh = hasTokenExpired(store.getState().token);

  if (needsRefresh) {
    return action$.ofType(REFRESH_TOKEN_SUCCESS)
      .mergeMap(() => callback(store.getState().token))
      .startWith({ type: REFRESH_TOKEN });
  } else {
    return callback(store.getState().token);

const getMenuEpic = (action$, store) =>
    .switchMap(() =>
      requireValidToken(action$, store, token =>
          .map(response => getMenuSuccess(response))
“超级史诗” 编辑:这是我最初的建议,但比上面的建议复杂得多。它也有一些好处,但是上面的一个会更容易使用和维护




// action creator helper to add the requiresAuth metadata
const requiresAuth = action => ({
  meta: {
    requiresAuth: true
// action creators
const getMenu = id => requiresAuth({
  type: 'GET_MENU',
const getFoodList = () => requiresAuth({
  type: 'GET_FOOD_LIST'

// epics
const getMenuEpic = action$ => stuff
const getFoodListEpic = action$ => stuff

const refreshTokenEpic = action$ =>
    // If there's already a pending refreshToken() we'll ignore the new
    // request to do it again since its redundant. If you instead want to
    // cancel the pending one and start again, use switchMap()
    .exhaustMap(() =>
        .map(response => ({
          type: REFRESH_TOKEN_SUCCESS,
          token: response.token
        // probably should force user to re-login or whatevs
        .catch(error => Observable.of({
          type: REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILED,

// factory to create a "super-epic" which will only
// pass along requiresAuth actions when we have a
// valid token, refreshing it if needed before.
const createRequiresTokenEpic = (...epics) => (action$, ...rest) => {
  // The epics we're delegating for
  const delegatorEpic = combineEpics(...epics);
  // We need some way to emit REFRESH_TOKEN actions
  // so I just hacked it with a Subject. There is
  // prolly a more elegant way to do this but #YOLO
  const output$ = new Subject();

  // This becomes action$ for all the epics we're delegating
  // for. This will hold off on giving an action to those
  // epics until we have a valid token. But remember,
  // this doesn't delay your *reducers* from seeing it
  // as its already been through them!
  const filteredAction$ = action$
    .mergeMap(action => {
      if (action.meta && action.meta.requiresAuth) {
        const needsRefresh = hasTokenExpired(store.getState().token);

        if (needsRefresh) {
          // Kick off the refreshing of the token
          output$.next({ type: REFRESH_TOKEN });

          // Wait for a successful refresh
          return action$.ofType(REFRESH_TOKEN_SUCCESS)
            // Its wise to handle the case when refreshing fails.
            // This example just gives up and never sends the
            // original action through because presumably
            // this is a fatal app state and should be handled
            // in refreshTokenEpic (.e.g. force relogin)

      // Actions which don't require auth are passed through as-is
      return Observable.of(action);

  return Observable.merge(
    delegatorEpic(filteredAction$, ...rest),

const requiresTokenEpic = createRequiresTokenEpic(getMenuEpic, getFoodList, ...etc);

