Sass Susy 2:如何删除;最后一句话;从不同断点上的第n个子节点开始?

Sass Susy 2:如何删除;最后一句话;从不同断点上的第n个子节点开始?,sass,susy-compass,Sass,Susy Compass,我正在使用Susy 2,我有以下代码: @include breakpoint($tab) { .l-region--sections { > .block { @include span(6 of 12); &:nth-child(2n) { @include last; } } } } @include breakpoint($desk) { .l-region--sections { &

我正在使用Susy 2,我有以下代码:

@include breakpoint($tab) {
  .l-region--sections {
    > .block {
      @include span(6 of 12);
      &:nth-child(2n) {
        @include last;

@include breakpoint($desk) {
  .l-region--sections {
    > .block {
      @include span(4 of 16);
      &:last-child {
        @include last;

问题是,在桌面宽度上,“:nth child(2n)”生效,我想完全删除它,以支持“:last child”。如何删除桌面的“:nth child(2n)”样式?


@include breakpoint($tab) {
  .l-region--sections {
    > .block {
      @include span(6 of 12);
      &:nth-child(2n) {
        @include last;

@include breakpoint($desk) {
  .l-region--sections {
    > .block {
      @include span(4 of 16);
      &:nth-child(2n) {
        @include span(4 of 16); // We are declaring span for this container here once more, just to override nth-child styles.
      &:last-child {
        @include last;