Scala 如何在play framework 2中使用脚本处理多层模板?

Scala 如何在play framework 2中使用脚本处理多层模板?,scala,playframework-2.0,template-engine,Scala,Playframework 2.0,Template Engine,我有这样一个模板结构: modal.scala.view @() ... HTML code to display a modal in my app ... /** * Output type for components to render body, head and end-of-body content * @param bodyMarkup the visual part of the component output * @param resources tags f



  ... HTML code to display a modal in my app ...
 * Output type for components to render body, head and end-of-body content
 * @param bodyMarkup the visual part of the component output
 * @param resources tags for content to include in the head or footer
case class MultipartHtml(bodyMarkup: Html, resources: Seq[MultipartHtml.Resource] = Nil) {
  import com.huffpost.hyperion.lib.MultipartHtml._

   * Apply a transformation to the body content of this object
   * @param bodyMapper transformation function
   * @return a new object with transformed body content
  def map(bodyMapper: Html => Html): MultipartHtml = MultipartHtml(bodyMapper(bodyMarkup), resources)

   * @param bodyMapper transformation function
   * @return the bodyMapper result combined with the component resource list
  def flatMap(bodyMapper: Html => MultipartHtml): MultipartHtml = bodyMapper(bodyMarkup) ++ resources

   * Add a head and/or footer content to this object
   * @param resources the resources to add
   * @return a new object with the resource added
  def ++(resources: GenTraversableOnce[Resource]): MultipartHtml = resources.foldLeft(this)(_ :+ _)

   * Add a head or footer content to this object
   * @param resource the resource to add
   * @return a new object with the resource added
  def :+(resource: Resource): MultipartHtml = MultipartHtml(bodyMarkup, (resources :+ resource).distinct)

   * Prepend a head or footer content to this object
   * @param resource the resource to add
   * @return a new object with the resource added
  def +:(resource: Resource): MultipartHtml = MultipartHtml(bodyMarkup, (resource +: resources).distinct)

  /** Get tags by resource type for injection into a template */
  def renderResourcesByType(resourceType: ResourceType): Html = Html(resources.filter(_.resourceType == resourceType).mkString("\n"))

/** Utility methods for MultipartHtml type */
object MultipartHtml {
  /** Empty MultipartHtml */
  def empty = MultipartHtml(Html(""))

  /** A resource that can be imported in the HTML head or footer*/
  trait ResourceType
  trait Resource {
    def resourceType: ResourceType

  object HeadTag extends ResourceType
  object FooterTag extends ResourceType

  /** A style tag */
  case class StyleTag(styleUrl: String) extends Resource {
    val resourceType = HeadTag
    override def toString = {
      val assetUrl =
      s"""<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="$assetUrl">"""

  /** A script tag */
  case class ScriptTag(scriptUrl: String) extends Resource {
    val resourceType = FooterTag
    override def toString = {
      val assetUrl ="javascript/$scriptUrl").url
      s"""<script type="text/javascript" src="$assetUrl"></script>"""







  ... HTML code to display a modal in my app ...
 * Output type for components to render body, head and end-of-body content
 * @param bodyMarkup the visual part of the component output
 * @param resources tags for content to include in the head or footer
case class MultipartHtml(bodyMarkup: Html, resources: Seq[MultipartHtml.Resource] = Nil) {
  import com.huffpost.hyperion.lib.MultipartHtml._

   * Apply a transformation to the body content of this object
   * @param bodyMapper transformation function
   * @return a new object with transformed body content
  def map(bodyMapper: Html => Html): MultipartHtml = MultipartHtml(bodyMapper(bodyMarkup), resources)

   * @param bodyMapper transformation function
   * @return the bodyMapper result combined with the component resource list
  def flatMap(bodyMapper: Html => MultipartHtml): MultipartHtml = bodyMapper(bodyMarkup) ++ resources

   * Add a head and/or footer content to this object
   * @param resources the resources to add
   * @return a new object with the resource added
  def ++(resources: GenTraversableOnce[Resource]): MultipartHtml = resources.foldLeft(this)(_ :+ _)

   * Add a head or footer content to this object
   * @param resource the resource to add
   * @return a new object with the resource added
  def :+(resource: Resource): MultipartHtml = MultipartHtml(bodyMarkup, (resources :+ resource).distinct)

   * Prepend a head or footer content to this object
   * @param resource the resource to add
   * @return a new object with the resource added
  def +:(resource: Resource): MultipartHtml = MultipartHtml(bodyMarkup, (resource +: resources).distinct)

  /** Get tags by resource type for injection into a template */
  def renderResourcesByType(resourceType: ResourceType): Html = Html(resources.filter(_.resourceType == resourceType).mkString("\n"))

/** Utility methods for MultipartHtml type */
object MultipartHtml {
  /** Empty MultipartHtml */
  def empty = MultipartHtml(Html(""))

  /** A resource that can be imported in the HTML head or footer*/
  trait ResourceType
  trait Resource {
    def resourceType: ResourceType

  object HeadTag extends ResourceType
  object FooterTag extends ResourceType

  /** A style tag */
  case class StyleTag(styleUrl: String) extends Resource {
    val resourceType = HeadTag
    override def toString = {
      val assetUrl =
      s"""<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="$assetUrl">"""

  /** A script tag */
  case class ScriptTag(scriptUrl: String) extends Resource {
    val resourceType = FooterTag
    override def toString = {
      val assetUrl ="javascript/$scriptUrl").url
      s"""<script type="text/javascript" src="$assetUrl"></script>"""

@(addTag: Html => Unit)

@addTag {
  <script src="myscript.js"></script>

@* Generate HTML *@


谢谢你,阿杰。我将尝试命令式方法,因为我在java play中工作。如果成功,我将在这里报告结果。再次感谢!可变的方式很好地工作。使用隐式,我可以避免将所有模板与可变对象混在一起。谢谢你,伙计。
@(addTag: Html => Unit)

@addTag {
  <script src="myscript.js"></script>

@* Generate HTML *@