Scripting 自动热键-MsgBox(Else/If)

Scripting 自动热键-MsgBox(Else/If),scripting,autohotkey,Scripting,Autohotkey,如果按了“是”示例,如何在messagebox中继续编写脚本 ;Print FIA Forside. MsgBox, 4, Print Forside?, Vil du printe en forside til denne sending? (press Yes or No IfMsgBox Yes ;Find the shipment in EDI - Open the excel file and print it! Click 2206,581 Click 1435,32


 ;Print FIA Forside.
 MsgBox, 4, Print Forside?, Vil du printe en forside til denne sending? (press Yes or No
IfMsgBox Yes

 ;Find the shipment in EDI - Open the excel file and print it!
  Click 2206,581
  Click 1435,326
  Send {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}
  Click 1886,1044

    MsgBox You pressed No.

Error: ELSE with no matching IF


;Print FIA Forside.
MsgBox, 4, Print Forside?, Vil du printe en forside til denne sending? (press Yes or No)
IfMsgBox Yes
    msgBox, You pressed yes!
    ; Put more code here
    msgBox, You pressed no!