Selenium webdriver 如何在BDD Specflow C中获取背景标题#

Selenium webdriver 如何在BDD Specflow C中获取背景标题#,selenium-webdriver,cucumber,nunit,bdd,specflow,Selenium Webdriver,Cucumber,Nunit,Bdd,Specflow,如何使用C#中的Specflow+Nunit在特性中获取测试前条件“Background”标记的名称 我可以这样得到“功能”的名称: return FeatureContext.Current.FeatureInfo.Title; “场景”的名称如下: return ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioInfo.Title; 我还需要获得“背景”的名称,或者检查它是否存在 Feature: FeatureTest Description Feature.



return FeatureContext.Current.FeatureInfo.Title;

 return ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioInfo.Title;

Feature: FeatureTest
    Description Feature...

Background: Get Background name or check it exists (Return It)
    ...Given, And

Scenario: Scenario Test
    ...Given, And


但一般来说,依赖这种脆弱的(可能经常变化的魔法弦)是不好的做法。 更好的方法是在场景或功能级别上检查标记


TL;博士 无法访问后台的原因是,其中包含的步骤在运行时会在功能中的所有场景中重复,从而有效地删除后台

答案是: 一般来说,背景没有标题:

Ability: Adding and Removing items from the basket

   As a customer,
   I want the ability to add and remove items from my basket
   In order to choose the items that I want to purchase from the site

   Given I have logged in as a customer
   And I visit the "Clothing" page

 Scenario: Adding items to my basket
   When I add "Black Jeans" to my basket in size "M"
   Then the total should be "£9.99"

 Scenario: Removing items from the basket
   Given I have added an item of clothing to my basket
   When I empty my basket
   Then the total should be "£0.00"

 Scenario: Adding items to my basket
   Given I have logged in as a customer
   And I visit the "Clothing" page
   When I add "Black Jeans" to my basket in size "M"
   Then the total should be "£9.99"

 Scenario: Removing items from the basket
   Given I have logged in as a customer
   And I visit the "Clothing" page
   Given I have added an item of clothing to my basket
   When I empty my basket
   Then the total should be "£0.00"

