Selenium 无法拖动&;把盒子放进硒里

Selenium 无法拖动&;把盒子放进硒里,selenium,drag-and-drop,Selenium,Drag And Drop,我正在尝试应用拖放功能。它既不会给我错误,也不会工作。框的XPath(我需要拖放)是正确的,我可以单击它。请建议 首先,你的问题没有Html,我给出的答案是通用的 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { driver.get(URL you want to hit); //Element which needs to drag. WebElement FromElem=driver.findE



 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 driver.get(URL you want to hit);

 //Element which needs to drag.         
 WebElement FromElem=driver.findElement("Locator"));

 //Element on which need to drop.       
 WebElement ToElem=driver.findElement("Locator"));  

 //Using Action class for drag and drop.        
 Actions act=new Actions(driver);   

 //Dragged and dropped.     
 act.dragAndDrop(FromElem, ToElem).build().perform();   

