
运行hadoop命令的shell,shell,Shell,每次我想测试mapper和reducer文件时,我都想避免将所有命令绑定到运行simple mapreduce上,所以我编写了这个脚本,我对shell脚本还不熟悉。我想知道这些Hadoop命令是否将在shell脚本中运行,以及脚本是否需要任何更改 echo textFile :"$1" echo mapper : "$2" echo reducer: "$3" echo inputDir :"$4" echo outputDir: "$5" hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal

每次我想测试mapper和reducer文件时,我都想避免将所有命令绑定到运行simple mapreduce上,所以我编写了这个脚本,我对shell脚本还不熟悉。我想知道这些Hadoop命令是否将在shell脚本中运行,以及脚本是否需要任何更改

echo textFile :"$1"
echo mapper : "$2"
echo reducer: "$3"
echo inputDir :"$4"
echo outputDir: "$5"

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/hduser/"$2" # copies mapper.py file from argument to hdfs dir   
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/hduser/"$3" # copies reducer.py file from argument to hdfs dir

hdfs dfs -test -d ~/"$5"  #checks to see if hadoop output dir exists
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
   hdfs dfs -rm -r ~/"$5"
    echo "Output file doesn't exist and will be created when hadoop runs"

hdfs dfs -test -d ~/"$4" #checks to see if hadoop input dir exists
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
    hdfs dfs -rm -r ~/"$4"
    echo "Hadoop input dir alread exists deleting it now and creating a new    one..."
    hdfs dfs -mkdir ~/"$4"  # makes an input dir for text file to be put in

    echo "Input file doesn't exist will be created now"
    hdfs dfs -mkdir ~/"$4"  # makes an input dir for text file to be put in

 hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/hduser/"$1" ~/"$4" # sends textfile from local to hdfs folder

 # runs the hadoop mapreduce program with given parameters
 hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-
 2.6.2.jar -input /home/hduser/"$4"/* -output /home/hduser/"$5" -file
 /home/hduser/"$2" -mapper /home/hduser/"$2" -file
 /home/hduser/"$3" -reducer /home/hduser/"$3"  

