
强制linux自动生成snmp陷阱,snmp,snmptrapd,Snmp,Snmptrapd,我想在服务器上的任何服务停止时自动生成一个陷阱。我必须为此做些什么。这是我必须正确的脚本,因为我们必须配置snmptrapd.conf,所以请让我知道一些这样做的例子 -- 谢谢 法鲁克·侯赛因引用NETSNMP文档 Process Monitoring The list of services running on a system can be monitored (and provision made for correcting any problems), using: # At


-- 谢谢


Process Monitoring

 The list of services running on a system can be monitored (and provision made for correcting any problems), using:
# At least one web server process must be running at all times
proc    httpd
procfix httpd  /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

# There should never be more than 10 mail processes running
#    (more implies a probable mail storm, so shut down the mail system)
proc    sendmail   10
procfix sendmail  /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop

# There should be a single network management agent running
#   ("There can be only one")
proc    snmpd    1  1