Sonarqube 声纳cxx don';我找不到虫子和其他东西

Sonarqube 声纳cxx don';我找不到虫子和其他东西,sonarqube,Sonarqube,因为我将使用sonar检查我的C/C++项目是否存在bug、漏洞和其他问题,我已经安装了sonar v5.6.3和sonar cxx v0.9.6。 为了评估sonar,我使用了sonar示例中的c示例,并扩展了main.c文件: #include <stdio.h> /* NOK, according to the MISRA C 2004 20.9 rule, stdio.h must not be used in embedded system's production cod

因为我将使用sonar检查我的C/C++项目是否存在bug、漏洞和其他问题,我已经安装了sonar v5.6.3和sonar cxx v0.9.6。 为了评估sonar,我使用了sonar示例中的c示例,并扩展了main.c文件:

#include <stdio.h> /* NOK, according to the MISRA C 2004 20.9 rule, stdio.h must not be used in embedded system's production code */
#include <mylib.h>

int main(void) {
  int   a;
  char  buffer[10];
  char  index           = 1;
  int   x               = ADD(40, 2);
  int   y               = fun(40, 2);

  buffer[10]    = 1;    /* Vulnerability:   Aray index out of bound                     */
  buffer[a]     = 'a';  /* Vulnerability:   Array index ist used before limits check    */
  buffer[index] = '1';  /* Code smell:      'char' type used as array index             */
  if (1 == a)           /* Bug:             Access to an uninitialized value            */
      printf("a = 1");

  a = 0;
  if (x != 42)
  { /* NOK, empty code blocks generate violations */

  x /= a;           /* Bug:             Division by zero */

  printf("40 + 2 = %d\n", x);
  printf("fun = %d\n", y);

int fun(int a, int b) {
  return a * b;

  • 错误:0

  • 漏洞:0

  • 代码:0

  • 债务:0

  • 复制:0%

  • 重复的块:0

  • 代码行:24


sonar cxx是特例吗?我必须手动启动检查?有人能帮我解决问题吗

感谢您的建议,Ralf Ebert

来自GitHub上Sonar cxx wiki页面:


本页上还有指向该页的链接。这链接到其他几个页面,解释如何生成Sonar cxx使用的报告。例如,您可以使用来运行代码的静态分析。将输出保存到项目中的某个目录中,并将sonar.cxx.cppcheck.reportPath属性(请参阅)设置为指向该目录。

请参阅有关sonar cxx插件的重要说明:


然后,您需要在sonar scanner之前运行wrapper,以


sonar-scanner \ \
  ... your other options


作为数组的索引很好,它是一个整数类型。不同的语言有不同的语义。在java或C++ C++中,你不能推断出一些错误或正确的东西。代码是C,但应该用C++解析器解析。在开始评估之前,我查看了sonar cxx的规则,并找到了用作代码数组索引的规则“char”类型。明确地说,x/=a中的除零;是一个bug,我希望解析器能够找到它……这是一个非常糟糕的方法!正如我提到的,它们是不同的语言。相同的语法可以有不同的语义(例如
INFO: Scanner configuration file: D:\RnD_Tools\sonar-scanner-2.5\bin\..\conf\
INFO: Project configuration file: C:\Users\ralfebert\Downloads\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\c\c-sonar-runner\
INFO: SonarQube Scanner 2.5
INFO: Java 1.8.0_73 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
INFO: Windows 7 6.1 amd64
INFO: User cache: C:\Users\ralfebert\.sonar\cache
INFO: Load global repositories
INFO: Load global repositories (done) | time=129ms
INFO: User cache: C:\Users\ralfebert\.sonar\cache
INFO: Load plugins index
INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=5ms
INFO: Default locale: "de_DE", source code encoding: "UTF-8"
INFO: Process project properties
INFO: Load project repositories
INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=193ms
INFO: Execute project builders
INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Load quality profiles
INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=118ms
INFO: Load active rules
INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=1528ms
INFO: SCM provider autodetection failed. No SCM provider claims to support this project. Please use sonar.scm.provider to define SCM of your project.
INFO: Publish mode
INFO: -------------  Scan C :: Simple Project :: SonarQube Scanner
INFO: Language is forced to c++
INFO: Load server rules
INFO: Load server rules (done) | time=250ms
INFO: Base dir: C:\Users\ralfebert\Downloads\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\c\c-sonar-runner
INFO: Working dir: C:\Users\ralfebert\Downloads\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\c\c-sonar-runner\.sonar
INFO: Source paths: src
INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: de_DE
INFO: Index files
INFO: 1 files indexed
INFO: Quality profile for c++: Sonar way
INFO: JaCoCoSensor: JaCoCo report not found : C:\Users\ralfebert\Downloads\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\c\c-sonar-runner\target\jacoco.exec
INFO: JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: C:\Users\ralfebert\Downloads\sonar-examples-master\projects\languages\c\c-sonar-runner\target\jacoco-it.exec
INFO: Sensor Lines Sensor
INFO: Sensor Lines Sensor (done) | time=10ms
INFO: Sensor CxxSquidSensor
INFO: Scanner found '0' report files
INFO: Cannot find a report for 'sonar.cxx.compiler.reportPath'
INFO: Project 'org.sonarqube:c-simple-sq-scanner' Cycles:0 Feedback cycles:0 Tangles:0 Weight:0.0
INFO: Sensor CxxSquidSensor (done) | time=178ms
INFO: Sensor CxxCoverageSensor
INFO: Sensor CxxCoverageSensor (done) | time=0ms
INFO: Sensor SCM Sensor
INFO: No SCM system was detected. You can use the 'sonar.scm.provider' property to explicitly specify it.
INFO: Sensor SCM Sensor (done) | time=0ms
INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=6ms
INFO: Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor
INFO: Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (done) | time=22ms
INFO: Sensor CPD Block Indexer
INFO: DefaultCpdBlockIndexer is used for c++
INFO: Sensor CPD Block Indexer (done) | time=9ms
INFO: Calculating CPD for 1 files
INFO: CPD calculation finished
INFO: Analysis report generated in 50ms, dir size=31 KB
INFO: Analysis reports compressed in 7ms, zip size=11 KB
INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 141ms
INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse http://localhost:9000/dashboard/index/org.sonarqube:c-simple-sq-scanner
INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
INFO: More about the report processing at http://localhost:9000/api/ce/task?id=AVgF6GhDsPC8lDzvfGdL
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Total time: 7.584s
INFO: Final Memory: 49M/250M
INFO:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sonar-scanner \ \
  ... your other options