
从SQL获取的最新数据,sql,Sql,我有一个问题,除了我有一张表,看起来像这样: Temp_Date Building_ID Sector_ID Temperature [Date/Time] [I32] [I32] [DBL] 1/9/2018 4:14:31 AM 456 0 20.23 1/9/2018


Temp_Date             Building_ID          Sector_ID          Temperature    
[Date/Time]           [I32]                [I32]              [DBL]
1/9/2018 4:14:31 AM    456                   0                20.23    
1/9/2018 4:15:14 AM    123                   1                35.23    
1/9/2018 4:16:21 AM    123                   0                15.23    
1/9/2018 4:15:45 AM    123                   2                25.23    
1/9/2018 4:16:21 AM    456                   0                25.23    
1/9/2018 4:16:59 AM    123                   1                35.23


Building_ID          Sector_ID          Temperature
123                    0                15.23
123                    1                35.23
123                    2                25.23
456                    0                25.23

select t.Building_ID, t.Sector_ID, t.Temperature, t.Temp_Date
from MyTable t
inner join (
    select Building_ID, Sector_ID, max(Temp_Date) as MaxTemp_Date
    from MyTable
    group by Building_ID
) tm on t.Building_ID = tm.Building_ID and t.Sector_ID = tm.Sector_ID and t.Temp_Date = tm.Temp_Date


select t.Building_ID, t.Sector_ID, t.Temperature, t.Temp_Date
from MyTable t
inner join (
    select Building_ID, Sector_ID, max(date_time) as maxMaxTemp_Date
    from MyTable t
    group by Building_ID, Sector_ID
    ) tm on t.Building_ID = tm.Building_ID and t.Sector_ID = tm.Sector_ID and t.Temp_Date=tm.MaxTemp_Date
ORDER BY t.Building_ID, t.Sector_ID 




select Building_ID,Sector_ID,Temperature,Temp_Date
  from t
  group by Building_ID,Sector_ID having max(Temp_Date);
对于语法更严格的MySQL、SQL Server和PostgreSQL,如下所示:

select Building_ID,Sector_ID,(
    select Temperature
      from t
      where a.Building_ID = t.Building_ID
        and a.Sector_ID = t.Sector_ID
        and max(a.Temp_Date) = t.Temp_Date) Temperature
  from t a
  group by Building_ID,Sector_ID
  having max(Temp_Date) = max(Temp_Date)

用您正在使用的数据库标记您的问题。您应该提供的第一个信息是您正在使用的dbms。您在内部查询的group by子句中缺少Section_ID。@kc2018这是我的问题如果您给出完整答案,我将接受它作为solution@ATE-恩格,你明白了!虽然我想要的是最新的温度值而不是最高温度,但它不应该有maxt.Temp_Date吗?
select Building_ID,Sector_ID,(
    select Temperature
      from t
      where a.Building_ID = t.Building_ID
        and a.Sector_ID = t.Sector_ID
        and max(a.Temp_Date) = t.Temp_Date) Temperature
  from t a
  group by Building_ID,Sector_ID
  having max(Temp_Date) = max(Temp_Date)