
SQL按范围分组整数,sql,sql-server,sql-server-2008-r2,Sql,Sql Server,Sql Server 2008 R2,我有整数值:199903、199908、201203、201408、201410、201501、201503 我想把这些整数按3范围内的整数分组 在本例中,分组如下: 199903 (group 1) 199908 (group 2) 201203 (group 3) 201408 (group 4) 201410 (group 4) 201501 (group 5) 201503 (group 5) 您可以使用窗口函数密集排列: 输出: ╔════════╦═══════╗ ║ val

我有整数值:199903、199908、201203、201408、201410、201501、201503 我想把这些整数按3范围内的整数分组


199903 (group 1)
199908 (group 2)
201203 (group 3)
201408 (group 4)
201410 (group 4)
201501 (group 5)
201503 (group 5)



║  val   ║ group ║
║ 199903 ║     1 ║
║ 199908 ║     2 ║
║ 201203 ║     3 ║
║ 201408 ║     4 ║
║ 201410 ║     4 ║
║ 201501 ║     5 ║
║ 201503 ║     5 ║

我猜你指的是相差三倍或更少的序列。因此,当差值大于3时,新周期开始。在SQL Server 2012+中,可以使用lag进行此操作。在SQL Server 2008中,有一种方法:

with t as (
      select t.*,
             (case when t.val - tprev.val < 3 then 0 else 1 end) as IsGroupStart
      from table t outer apply
           (select top 1 t2.val
            from table t2
            where t2.val < t.val
            order by t2.val desc
           ) tprev
     ) t
select t.val, t2.grp
from t outer apply 
     (select sum(IsGroupStart) as grp
      from t t2
      where t2.val <= t.val
     ) t2;

with t as (
      select t.*,
             (case when t.val - tprev.val < 3 then 0 else 1 end) as IsGroupStart
      from table t outer apply
           (select top 1 t2.val
            from table t2
            where t2.val < t.val
            order by t2.val desc
           ) tprev
     ) t
select t.val, t2.grp
from t outer apply 
     (select sum(IsGroupStart) as grp
      from t t2
      where t2.val <= t.val
     ) t2;