Oracle SQL数据修改

Oracle SQL数据修改,sql,oracle,Sql,Oracle,我有一张如下所示的表格: RowID | ID | col | Label | ----------------------------------- 1 | 1 | Bad | N | ----------------------------------- 2 | 1 | Very Good | N | <---| ----------------------------------- 3


 RowID |  ID |    col    | Label  |  
   1   |  1  |    Bad    |    N   |  
   2   |  1  | Very Good |    N   |  <---|
   3   |  1  |Super Good |    N   |  <---| Either Label to be 'Y' (Contain 'Good')
   4   |  1  |  Too Bad  |    Y   |  <---$ Need this one to be 'N' (Contain 'Bad')
   5   |  2  | F*** Good |    N   | 
   6   |  2  | So Good   |    Y   | 
   7   |  2  | Really Bad|    Y   |  <---$ Need both to be 'N' (Contain 'Bad')
   8   |  2  |    Bad    |    Y   |  <---$ 
   9   |  3  |    Good   |    N   | 
   10  |  3  |    Good   |    Y   | 
   11  |  3  |  Bad Bad  |    N   | 
RowID | ID | col | Label |
1 | 1 |坏| N |

2 | 1 |非常好| N |我想这会得到你想要的结果:

select t.*,
  case when col like '%Bad%' then 'N'
       when max(case when col like '%Good%' then label else 'N' end)
         over (partition by id) = 'Y'
       then label
       when row_number()
         over (partition by id, case when col like '%Good%' then 'Y' end order by null) = 1
         then 'Y'
       else label
  end as new_label
from your_table t
order by rn;

        RN         ID COL        LABEL NEW_LABEL
---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ---------
         1          1 Bad        N     N        
         2          1 Very Good  N     Y        
         3          1 Super Good N     N        
         4          1 Too Bad    Y     N        
         5          2 F*** Good  N     N        
         6          2 So Good    Y     Y        
         7          2 Really Bad Y     N        
         8          2 Bad        Y     N        
         9          3 Good       N     N        
        10          3 Good       Y     Y        
        11          3 Bad Bad    N     N        



我确实有一个唯一的ID列(使用sys\u guid())


merge into your_table target
using (
  select t.*,
    case when col like '%Bad%' then 'N'
         when max(case when col like '%Good%' then label else 'N' end)
           over (partition by id) = 'Y' then label
         when row_number()
           over (partition by id, case when col like '%Good%' then 'Y' end
             order by guid_col) = 1 then 'Y'
         else label
    end as new_label
  from your_table t
) source on (source.guid_col = target.guid_col)
when matched then
  update set target.label = source.new_label
  where target.label is null or target.label != source.new_label

4 rows merged.


sys\u guid()
order by null