使用按ID分组的CTE Sql Server 2008运行减法合计

使用按ID分组的CTE Sql Server 2008运行减法合计,sql,sql-server,sql-server-2008,tsql,Sql,Sql Server,Sql Server 2008,Tsql,我需要基于行数的两个值之间的差异。CTE返回如下数据: 我想做的是让rehabWait列92-32中的第2行读60,第3行也读152-92`等等,直到patientid发生变化。所以对于第11排,我希望rehabwait是110 114-4。我的查询将运行,但我希望它返回所有空值 with x as ( SELECT row_number() over (order by patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, datediff(


我想做的是让rehabWait列92-32中的第2行读60,第3行也读152-92`等等,直到patientid发生变化。所以对于第11排,我希望rehabwait是110 114-4。我的查询将运行,但我希望它返回所有空值

with x as 
     SELECT row_number() over (order by patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, datediff(dd,admissiondate, claimsfromdate))as rn,
     patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate,
            DATEDIFF(dd, admissiondate, claimsfromdate) as rehabWait, hcpcs
     FROM    Claims
     WHERE   hcpcs in ('g0151', '97001', '97002', '9339') and
             claimsfromdate > admissiondate 
      group by patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, hcpcs
      --adding this group by clause will keep rehabWait from showing up
      --however many times they patient has the HCPCS code for rehab

select  x.patientid

        ,(select x2.rehabWait-x.rehabwait from x where x.patientid=x2.patientid 
        and x.rn > x2.rn and x.admissiondate=x2.admissiondate and x.claimsfromdate=x2.claimsfromdate
        from x inner join
        x as x2 on x.patientid=x2.patientid and x.admissiondate=x2.admissiondate and x.claimsfromdate = x2.claimsfromdate



with x as 
     SELECT patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate,
            DATEDIFF(dd, admissiondate, claimsfromdate) as rehabWait, hcpcs
     FROM    Claims
     WHERE   hcpcs in ('g0151', '97001', '97002', '9339') and
             claimsfromdate > admissiondate 
      group by patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, hcpcs
  --adding this group by clause will keep rehabWait from showing up
  --however many times they patient has the HCPCS code for rehab
select patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate,
       (RehabWait - prevRehabWait), hcpcs
from (select patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, hcpcs, RehabWait,
             (select max(RehabWait)
              from x x2
              where x2.patientid = x.patientid and x2.claimsfromdate < x.claimsfromdate
             ) as prevRehabWait
      from x
     ) t


with x as 
     SELECT patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate,
            DATEDIFF(dd, admissiondate, claimsfromdate) as rehabWait, hcpcs
     FROM    Claims
     WHERE   hcpcs in ('g0151', '97001', '97002', '9339') and
             claimsfromdate > admissiondate 
      group by patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, hcpcs
  --adding this group by clause will keep rehabWait from showing up
  --however many times they patient has the HCPCS code for rehab
select patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate,
       (RehabWait - prevRehabWait), hcpcs
from (select patientid, admissiondate, claimsfromdate, hcpcs, RehabWait,
             (select max(RehabWait)
              from x x2
              where x2.patientid = x.patientid and x2.claimsfromdate < x.claimsfromdate
             ) as prevRehabWait
      from x
     ) t