Swift 检查字符串中字符串的非第一个实例

Swift 检查字符串中字符串的非第一个实例,swift,string,nsstring,Swift,String,Nsstring,因此,我在另一个字符串中获取字符串实例的方法是使用以下字符串类扩展: func indexOf(target: String) -> Int? { let range = (self as NSString).range(of: target) guard range.toRange() != nil else { return nil } return range.location }


func indexOf(target: String) -> Int? {

        let range = (self as NSString).range(of: target)

        guard range.toRange() != nil else {
            return nil

        return range.location


但是,现在我正在寻找一种方法来获取字符串中字符串的第n个实例。例如,如果我想获得“House on the show House House Strights people”中“House”的第三个实例的索引。我该怎么做呢?


我喜欢Martin R的答案,但我发现递归表达式更直观。在我的实现中,我们实际返回范围(可选):

为什么要使用NSString?String有类似的方法。我没有找到一个String方法来完成在字符串中查找字符串的任务,只有String@maddy中的一个字符来获取“House on the show House House Strangle people”中“House”的第三个实例的索引。没有第三个实例<代码>“House”
extension String {

    func index(of target: String, instance: Int = 1) -> Int? {
        precondition(instance > 0)

        var found = 0 // Number of occurrences found so far.
        var pos = startIndex // Current search position.
        // Search for next occurrence of `target`.
        while let r = range(of: target, range: pos..<endIndex) {
            found += 1
            // Are we done?
            if found == instance {
                // Distance in # of characters:
                return distance(from: startIndex, to: r.lowerBound)
            // Continue search after this occurrence.
            pos = r.upperBound
        return nil
let bStr = "Houses on the show Dr. House's PlayHouse house strange people"
let ls = "House"

if let idx = bStr.index(of: ls, instance: 3) {
    print(idx) // 35
extension String {
    typealias SRange = Range<String.Index>
    func range(of target:String, options:String.CompareOptions, nth:Int) -> SRange? {
        func helper(hnth:Int, range:SRange) -> SRange? {
            let r = self.range(of: target, options: options, range: range)
            if let r = r, hnth < nth {
                return helper(hnth:hnth+1, range:r.upperBound..<self.endIndex)
            return r
        return helper(hnth:1, range: self.startIndex..<self.endIndex)
let s = "Houses on the show House house strange people."
let targ = "House"
let r = s.range(of: targ, options: .caseInsensitive, nth: 3)
// now r is an Optional wrapping 25..<30