Testing 沙箱中未包含测试验证案例

Testing 沙箱中未包含测试验证案例,testing,sandbox,plaid,Testing,Sandbox,Plaid,根据plaid文档,plaid不支持10%的银行机构的身份验证 有没有办法在沙盒环境中测试这一点?是的,有!格子布网站上有一份包含所有细节的文件 90%的银行都使用完全支持的Auth版本,称为Instant Auth。其他流程称为即时匹配、自动小额存款验证和当天小额存款验证 为了测试即时匹配和自动小额存款验证,您可以使用测试机构Houndstooth Bank,然后按照本文所述选择特定的测试帐户。我建议您阅读这篇文章,因为它包含了所有的细节,但这里是摘要版本: 即时配对: Search for




90%的银行都使用完全支持的Auth版本,称为Instant Auth。其他流程称为即时匹配、自动小额存款验证和当天小额存款验证

为了测试即时匹配和自动小额存款验证,您可以使用测试机构Houndstooth Bank,然后按照本文所述选择特定的测试帐户。我建议您阅读这篇文章,因为它包含了所有的细节,但这里是摘要版本:


Search for “Houndstooth Bank” in Link.
Enter user_good and pass_good in the Credential pane.
Select the second account that is returned: Plaid Savings (****1111).
In the Routing number input, enter: 021000021 or 011401533
In the Account number input, enter: 1111222233331111

Search for “Houndstooth Bank” in Link.
Enter user_good and microdeposits_good in the Credential pane.
Select the first account that is returned: Plaid Checking (****0000)
In the Routing number input, enter: 021000021 or 011401533
In the Account number input, enter: 1111222233330000
Enter your legal first and last name.
Select personal as the account type.
Link will display the Automated Micro-deposit success view – click continue to trigger the onSuccess callback with a public_token.
The micro-deposit verification will automatically succeed after twenty-four hours. To test a failed micro-deposit, or to skip the twenty-four hour waiting period, use the /sandbox/item/set_verification_status endpoint to manually control the Item's micro-deposit verification status.

Search for an institution, and scroll to the bottom of the search results, click on connect your bank manually.
Select “checking” or “savings” as the account type.
In the Routing number input, enter: 110000000
In the Account number input, enter: 1111222233330000
Link will display the success view – click continue to trigger the onSuccess callback with a public_token.

To verify the deposit, call /item/public_token/exchange with your public_token from the previous step to receive an access_token.
Call /link/token/create and provide the access_token from the previous step to receive a link_token.
Open Link with your link_token.
In the first deposit input, enter $0.01
In the second deposit input, enter $0.02