Twitter bootstrap Twitter引导弹出窗口不工作

Twitter bootstrap Twitter引导弹出窗口不工作,twitter-bootstrap,popover,Twitter Bootstrap,Popover,这是我的HTML: <div id="disclaimer">After 30 Days you'll have the option to keep your account for $15 per month -no contract required-or revert to a single page free account.*</div> 当我将鼠标悬停在元素上时,什么都不会发生。。没有JavaScript错误或其他任何错误,也不确定是什么错误,使用您的精确


<div id="disclaimer">After 30 Days you'll have the option to keep your account for $15 per month -no contract required-or revert to a single page free account.*</div>



<div id="disclaimer" >After 30 Days you'll have the option to keep your account for $15 per month -no contract required-or revert to a single page free account.*</div>

$(function ()  
     trigger: 'hover',
     html: true,
     placement: 'right',
     content: 'hello world'


,但仍然没有发生任何事情:(你能把它放到脚本标签中的html中吗?如果仍然不起作用,你可能想检查一下,确保你的脚本中包含了工具提示,我发现了…是ActiveAdmin JavaScript与twitter引导冲突…谢谢你的帮助!答案在这条评论中:我同意,active admin导致了冲突。我通过将active admin移动到
目录解决了这个问题,it workedIt似乎无法克隆popover,这是我的问题。谢谢,这个提示让我尝试了另一种方法。如果我在克隆后应用popover,它会工作。
<div id="disclaimer" >After 30 Days you'll have the option to keep your account for $15 per month -no contract required-or revert to a single page free account.*</div>

$(function ()  
     trigger: 'hover',
     html: true,
     placement: 'right',
     content: 'hello world'
     trigger: 'hover',
     html: true,
     placement: 'right',
     content: 'hello world'