在Snapdragon 820(Ubuntu 16.04)上运行用于Hexagon DSP的高通fastRPC计算器示例时出错

在Snapdragon 820(Ubuntu 16.04)上运行用于Hexagon DSP的高通fastRPC计算器示例时出错,ubuntu,android-ndk,qualcomm,hexagon-dsp,Ubuntu,Android Ndk,Qualcomm,Hexagon Dsp,我正在尝试从OpenQ820开发工具包(Snapdragon)上的Hexagon SDK运行基本计算器示例,但在尝试运行calculator_walkthrough.py python脚本来运行示例时,该过程失败 我正在Ubuntu 16.04.2上运行Hexagon SDK 3.0。Android NDK安装在正确的位置(根据Hexagon SDK文档) 该示例似乎一直正确运行到以下几点: ---- root/remount device ---- * daemon not running.

我正在尝试从OpenQ820开发工具包(Snapdragon)上的Hexagon SDK运行基本计算器示例,但在尝试运行calculator_walkthrough.py python脚本来运行示例时,该过程失败

我正在Ubuntu 16.04.2上运行Hexagon SDK 3.0。Android NDK安装在正确的位置(根据Hexagon SDK文档)


---- root/remount device ----
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
restarting adbd as root
remount succeeded
failed to copy '/home/kaz/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.0/tools/elfsigner/getserial' to '/data//getserial': Is a directory
ERROR: testsig:-o is not a valid 32 bit integer
---- root/remount device ----
adbd is already running as root
remount succeeded
---- Push Android components ----
329 KB/s (32104 bytes in 0.095s)
168 KB/s (12940 bytes in 0.075s)
 ---- Push Hexagon Components ----
256 KB/s (17992 bytes in 0.068s)
---- Run Calculator Example Locally on Android ----

- starting calculator test
adspmsgd not supported
- allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap
- creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
- compute sum locally
- sum = 499500
- success

adspmsgd_stop failed
---- Run Calculator Example on aDSP ----

- starting calculator test
adspmsgd not supported
- allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap
- creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
- compute sum on the aDSP
Error: compute on aDSP failed

usage: /data/calculator <1/0 run locally> <1/0 logcat> <uint32 size>

adspmsgd_stop failed
我已卸载并重新安装Hexagon SDK,尝试在设备处于安全模式和正常模式时运行脚本,检查所有必需的库是否位于正确的目录中,但无法找到问题的解决方案



我似乎无法在我的设备上找到/data/get serial。我已使用以下命令搜索了它'kaz@kaz:~$find/home/kaz-名称“getserial”,但找不到与上面路径类似的内容。我也试过用三台不同的笔记本电脑,同样的错误也出现了。我还可以使用两块Snapdragon 820电路板,另一块工作得非常好,所以我倾向于认为问题在于电路板本身。谢谢您的帮助。您是否尝试过“adb shell ls-la/data”并查找“getserial”?
kaz@kaz:~/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.0/examples/common/calculator$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
252020106151601286  device