Unit testing 什么';什么是单元测试?

Unit testing 什么';什么是单元测试?,unit-testing,Unit Testing,可能的重复项: 我认识到,对于95%的人来说,这是一个非常WTF的问题 所以。什么是单元测试?我知道,基本上你是在尝试隔离原子功能,但你如何测试它呢?什么时候有必要?什么时候可笑? 你能举个例子吗?(最好是用C语言?我在这个网站上主要是从Java开发者那里听说的,所以这可能是面向对象语言特有的?我真的不知道。) 我知道许多程序员笃信单元测试。这是怎么回事 编辑:另外,您通常花在编写单元测试上的时间与花在编写新代码上的时间的比率是多少?在计算机编程中,单元测试是一种软件验证和确认方法,程序员在



所以。什么是单元测试?我知道,基本上你是在尝试隔离原子功能,但你如何测试它呢?什么时候有必要?什么时候可笑? 你能举个例子吗?(最好是用C语言?我在这个网站上主要是从Java开发者那里听说的,所以这可能是面向对象语言特有的?我真的不知道。)













HelloWorldExample helloWorld = new HelloWorldExample();
string expected = "Hello World!";
string actual = helloWorld.GetString();

Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual );



interface ICar
    public void Accelerate( int delta );
    public void Decelerate( int delta );
    public int GetCurrentSpeed();
public static void TestAcceleration( ICar car )
    int oldSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    car.Accelerate( 5 );
    int newSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    Assert.IsTrue( newSpeed > oldSpeed );
public static void TestDeceleration( ICar car )
    int oldSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    car.Decelerate( 5 );
    int newSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    Assert.IsTrue( newSpeed < oldSpeed );

class FordTaurus : ICar
    private int mySpeed;
    public Accelerate( int delta )
        mySpeed += delta;
    public Decelerate( int delta )
        mySpeed += delta;
    public int GetCurrentSpeed()
        return mySpeed;

interface ICar
    public void Accelerate( int delta );
    public void Decelerate( int delta );
    public int GetCurrentSpeed();
public static void TestAcceleration( ICar car )
    int oldSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    car.Accelerate( 5 );
    int newSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    Assert.IsTrue( newSpeed > oldSpeed );
public static void TestDeceleration( ICar car )
    int oldSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    car.Decelerate( 5 );
    int newSpeed = car.GetCurrentSpeed();
    Assert.IsTrue( newSpeed < oldSpeed );
int oldSpeed=car.GetCurrentSpeed();
int newSpeed=car.GetCurrentSpeed();
int oldSpeed=car.GetCurrentSpeed();
int newSpeed=car.GetCurrentSpeed();


< P>我现在是java,在C++之前,我完全相信我所做的每一件工作,我现在都不感到羞愧,是通过我选择的测试策略而增强的。略过测试是有害的




1) 。可以很容易地重新运行的测试非常有用——捕捉到无止境的后期蠕变缺陷。 相比之下,坐在调试器中进行测试是令人麻木的

2) 。在编写代码时或在编写代码之前构造有趣的测试的活动使您将注意力集中在边缘案例上。那些恼人的零和零输入,那些“一个接一个的错误”。我认为良好的单元测试会产生更好的代码

3) 。维护测试是有成本的。一般来说,这是值得的,但不要低估让它们工作的努力

4) 。可能存在过度使用单元测试的趋势。真正有趣的bug往往是在集成各个部分时出现的。你用真实的东西替换你嘲笑的那个库,瞧!它不像罐头上说的那样。此外,手动或爆炸性测试仍有作用。有洞察力的测试人员会发现特殊缺陷。

逐点:// Unit tests for the iloc_parser.{h, cc} #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "iloc_parser.h" using namespace std; namespace compilers { // Here is my test class class IlocParserTest : public testing::Test { protected: IlocParserTest() {} virtual ~IlocParserTest() {} virtual void SetUp() { const testing::TestInfo* const test_info = testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info(); test_name_ = test_info->name(); } string test_name_; }; // Here is a utility function to help me test static void ReadFileAsString(const string& filename, string* output) { ifstream in_file(filename.c_str()); stringstream result(""); string temp; while (getline(in_file, temp)) { result << temp << endl; } *output = result.str(); } // All of these TEST_F things are macros that are part of the test framework I used. // Just think of them as test functions. The argument is the name of the test class. // The second one is the name of the test (A descriptive name so you know what it is // testing). TEST_F(IlocParserTest, ReplaceSingleInstanceOfSingleCharWithEmptyString) { string to_replace = "blah,blah"; string to_find = ","; string replace_with = ""; IlocParser::FindAndReplace(to_find, replace_with, &to_replace); EXPECT_EQ("blahblah", to_replace); } TEST_F(IlocParserTest, ReplaceMultipleInstancesOfSingleCharWithEmptyString) { string to_replace = "blah,blah,blah"; string to_find = ","; string replace_with = ""; IlocParser::FindAndReplace(to_find, replace_with, &to_replace); EXPECT_EQ("blahblahblah", to_replace); } TEST_F(IlocParserTest, ReplaceMultipleInstancesOfMultipleCharsWithEmptyString) { string to_replace = "blah=>blah=>blah"; string to_find = "=>"; string replace_with = ""; IlocParser::FindAndReplace(to_find, replace_with, &to_replace); EXPECT_EQ("blahblahblah", to_replace); } // This test was suppsoed to strip out the "r" from register // register names in the ILOC code. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, StripIlocLineLoadI) { string iloc_line = "loadI\t1028\t=> r11"; IlocParser::StripIlocLine(&iloc_line); EXPECT_EQ("loadI\t1028\t 11", iloc_line); } // Here I make sure stripping the line works when it has a comment TEST_F(IlocParserTest, StripIlocLineSubWithComment) { string iloc_line = "sub\tr12, r10\t=> r13 // Subtract r10 from r12\n"; IlocParser::StripIlocLine(&iloc_line); EXPECT_EQ("sub\t12 10\t 13 ", iloc_line); } // Here I make sure I can break a line up into the tokens I wanted. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, TokenizeIlocLineNormalInstruction) { string iloc_line = "sub\t12 10\t 13\n"; // already stripped vector<string> tokens; IlocParser::TokenizeIlocLine(iloc_line, &tokens); EXPECT_EQ(4, tokens.size()); EXPECT_EQ("sub", tokens[0]); EXPECT_EQ("12", tokens[1]); EXPECT_EQ("10", tokens[2]); EXPECT_EQ("13", tokens[3]); } // Here I make sure I can create an instruction from the tokens TEST_F(IlocParserTest, CreateIlocInstructionLoadI) { vector<string> tokens; tokens.push_back("loadI"); tokens.push_back("1"); tokens.push_back("5"); IlocInstruction instruction(IlocInstruction::NONE); EXPECT_TRUE(IlocParser::CreateIlocInstruction(tokens, &instruction)); EXPECT_EQ(IlocInstruction::LOADI, instruction.op_code()); EXPECT_EQ(2, instruction.num_operands()); IlocInstruction::OperandList::const_iterator it = instruction.begin(); EXPECT_EQ(1, *it); ++it; EXPECT_EQ(5, *it); } // Making sure the CreateIlocInstruction() method fails when it should. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, CreateIlocInstructionFromMisspelledOp) { vector<string> tokens; tokens.push_back("ADD"); tokens.push_back("1"); tokens.push_back("5"); tokens.push_back("2"); IlocInstruction instruction(IlocInstruction::NONE); EXPECT_FALSE(IlocParser::CreateIlocInstruction(tokens, &instruction)); EXPECT_EQ(0, instruction.num_operands()); } // Make sure creating an empty instruction works because there // were times when I would actually have an empty tokens vector. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, CreateIlocInstructionFromNoTokens) { // Empty, which happens from a line that is a comment. vector<string> tokens; IlocInstruction instruction(IlocInstruction::NONE); EXPECT_TRUE(IlocParser::CreateIlocInstruction(tokens, &instruction)); EXPECT_EQ(IlocInstruction::NONE, instruction.op_code()); EXPECT_EQ(0, instruction.num_operands()); } // This was a function that helped me generate actual code // that I could output as a line in my output file. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, MakeIlocLineFromInstructionAddI) { IlocInstruction instruction(IlocInstruction::ADDI); vector<int> operands; operands.push_back(1); operands.push_back(2); operands.push_back(3); instruction.CopyOperandsFrom(operands); string output; EXPECT_TRUE(IlocParser::MakeIlocLineFromInstruction(instruction, &output)); EXPECT_EQ("addI r1, 2 => r3", output); } // This test actually glued a bunch of stuff together. It actually // read an input file (that was the name of the test) and parsed it // I then checked that it parsed it correctly. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, ParseIlocFileSimple) { IlocParser parser; vector<IlocInstruction*> lines; EXPECT_TRUE(parser.ParseIlocFile(test_name_, &lines)); EXPECT_EQ(2, lines.size()); // Check first line EXPECT_EQ(IlocInstruction::ADD, lines[0]->op_code()); EXPECT_EQ(3, lines[0]->num_operands()); IlocInstruction::OperandList::const_iterator operand = lines[0]->begin(); EXPECT_EQ(1, *operand); ++operand; EXPECT_EQ(2, *operand); ++operand; EXPECT_EQ(3, *operand); // Check second line EXPECT_EQ(IlocInstruction::LOADI, lines[1]->op_code()); EXPECT_EQ(2, lines[1]->num_operands()); operand = lines[1]->begin(); EXPECT_EQ(5, *operand); ++operand; EXPECT_EQ(10, *operand); // Deallocate memory for (vector<IlocInstruction*>::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } } // This test made sure I generated an output file correctly. // I built the file as an in memory representation, and then // output it. I had a "golden file" that was supposed to represent // the correct output. I compare my output to the golden file to // make sure it was correct. TEST_F(IlocParserTest, WriteIlocFileSimple) { // Setup instructions IlocInstruction instruction1(IlocInstruction::ADD); vector<int> operands; operands.push_back(1); operands.push_back(2); operands.push_back(3); instruction1.CopyOperandsFrom(operands); operands.clear(); IlocInstruction instruction2(IlocInstruction::LOADI); operands.push_back(17); operands.push_back(10); instruction2.CopyOperandsFrom(operands); operands.clear(); IlocInstruction instruction3(IlocInstruction::OUTPUT); operands.push_back(1024); instruction3.CopyOperandsFrom(operands); // Propogate lines with the instructions vector<IlocInstruction*> lines; lines.push_back(&instruction1); lines.push_back(&instruction2); lines.push_back(&instruction3); // Write out the file string out_filename = test_name_ + "_output"; string golden_filename = test_name_ + "_golden"; IlocParser parser; EXPECT_TRUE(parser.WriteIlocFile(out_filename, lines)); // Read back output file and verify contents are as expected. string golden_file; string out_file; ReadFileAsString(golden_filename, &golden_file); ReadFileAsString(out_filename, &out_file); EXPECT_EQ(golden_file, out_file); } } // namespace compilers int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Boiler plate, test initialization testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }