Unity3d Unity相机平滑/减轻阻力

Unity3d Unity相机平滑/减轻阻力,unity3d,camera,drag-and-drop,smooth-scrolling,easing,Unity3d,Camera,Drag And Drop,Smooth Scrolling,Easing,当我拖动相机时,我试图使相机放松或产生惯性,这样当我放下相机时,相机就会轻松就位。我想根据我投掷/拖动相机的力来移动它 这是我用来拖动相机的实际代码,但里面没有平滑的缓和 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class swipeCamera: MonoBehaviour { Vector3 hit_position = Vector3.zero; Vector3 current_position = Vect



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class swipeCamera: MonoBehaviour
    Vector3 hit_position = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 current_position = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 camera_position = Vector3.zero;
    float z = 0.0f;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            hit_position = Input.mousePosition;
            camera_position = transform.position;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            current_position = Input.mousePosition;

    void LeftMouseDrag()
        // From the Unity3D docs: "The z position is in world units from the camera."  In my case I'm using the y-axis as height
        // with my camera facing back down the y-axis.  You can ignore this when the camera is orthograhic.
        current_position.z = hit_position.z = camera_position.y;

        // Get direction of movement.  (Note: Don't normalize, the magnitude of change is going to be Vector3.Distance(current_position-hit_position)
        // anyways.  
        Vector3 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(current_position) - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(hit_position);

        // Invert direction to that terrain appears to move with the mouse.
        direction = direction * -1;

        Vector3 position = camera_position + direction;

        transform.position = position;




using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class swipeCamera: MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 2.0f;//easing speed

    Vector3 hit_position = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 current_position = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 camera_position = Vector3.zero;
    float z = 0.0f;

    bool flag = false;
    Vector3 target_position;

    void Start()

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            hit_position = Input.mousePosition;
            camera_position = transform.position;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            current_position = Input.mousePosition;
            flag = true;

            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target_position, Time.deltaTime*speed);
            if(transform.position == target_position)//reached?
                flag = false;// stop moving

    void LeftMouseDrag()
        // From the Unity3D docs: "The z position is in world units from the camera."  In my case I'm using the y-axis as height
        // with my camera facing back down the y-axis.  You can ignore this when the camera is orthograhic.
        current_position.z = hit_position.z = camera_position.y;

        // Get direction of movement.  (Note: Don't normalize, the magnitude of change is going to be Vector3.Distance(current_position-hit_position)
        // anyways.  
        Vector3 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(current_position) - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(hit_position);

        // Invert direction to that terrain appears to move with the mouse.
        direction = direction * -1;

        target_position = camera_position + direction;



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class swipeCamera: MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 2.0f;//easing speed

    Vector3 hit_position = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 current_position = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 camera_position = Vector3.zero;
    float z = 0.0f;

    bool flag = false;
    Vector3 target_position;

    void Start()

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            hit_position = Input.mousePosition;
            camera_position = transform.position;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            current_position = Input.mousePosition;
            flag = true;

            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target_position, Time.deltaTime*speed);
            if(transform.position == target_position)//reached?
                flag = false;// stop moving

    void LeftMouseDrag()
        // From the Unity3D docs: "The z position is in world units from the camera."  In my case I'm using the y-axis as height
        // with my camera facing back down the y-axis.  You can ignore this when the camera is orthograhic.
        current_position.z = hit_position.z = camera_position.y;

        // Get direction of movement.  (Note: Don't normalize, the magnitude of change is going to be Vector3.Distance(current_position-hit_position)
        // anyways.  
        Vector3 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(current_position) - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(hit_position);

        // Invert direction to that terrain appears to move with the mouse.
        direction = direction * -1;

        target_position = camera_position + direction;
