Vb.net 将对象分组到新对象类

Vb.net 将对象分组到新对象类,vb.net,class,group-by,Vb.net,Class,Group By,我有一个对象类,它包含关于锚和下拉线的信息,并创建这些对象的列表 Public Class AnchorsAndDownGuysInformation Public Sub New(ByVal aCoordX As String, ByVal aCoordA As String, ByVal dDesc As String, ByVal dCoordZ As String,


Public Class AnchorsAndDownGuysInformation

Public Sub New(ByVal aCoordX As String,
               ByVal aCoordA As String,
               ByVal dDesc As String,
               ByVal dCoordZ As String,
               ByVal dDiameter As String,
               ByVal dRtsStrength As String,
               ByVal dPoundsPerInch As String)

    CoordXAnchor = aCoordX
    CoordAAnchor = aCoordA
    Description = dDesc
    CoordZDown = dCoordZ
    Diameter = dDiameter
    RTSStrength = dRtsStrength
    PoundsPerInch = dPoundsPerInch

End Sub

Public Property CoordXAnchor As String
Public Property CoordAAnchor As String
Public Property Description As String
Public Property CoordZDown As String
Public Property Diameter As String
Public Property RTSStrength As String
Public Property PoundsPerInch As String

End Class

Public Class Anchors

Public Property CoordXAnchor As String
Public Property CoordAAnchor As String
Public Property DownGuyInfo As New List(Of DownGuys)

End Class

Public Class DownGuys

Public Property Description As String
Public Property CoordZDown As String
Public Property Diameter As String
Public Property RTSStrength As String
Public Property PoundsPerInch As String

End Class


 Dim groupedAnchors = anchorsAndDownGuyList.GroupBy(Function(x) New With {x.CoordAAnchor, x.CoordXAnchor
                        }).[Select](Function(anc) New Anchors() With {
                        .CoordAAnchor = anc.Key.CoordAAnchor,
                        .CoordXAnchor = anc.Key.CoordXAnchor,
                        .DownGuyInfo = anc.[Select](Function(dg) New DownGuys() With {
                        .Description = dg.Description,
                        .CoordZDown = dg.CoordZDown,
                        .Diameter = dg.Diameter,
                        .RTSStrength = dg.RTSStrength,
                        .PoundsPerInch = dg.PoundsPerInch



    Dim groupedAnchors = anchorsAndDownGuyList.GroupBy(Function(j) New With {Key j.CoordAAnchor, Key j.CoordXAnchor}).
                         Select(Function(group) group.Key.CoordAAnchor).ToList()

    Dim groupedAnchors2 = anchorsAndDownGuyList.GroupBy(Function(a) New With {Key a.CoordAAnchor, Key a.CoordXAnchor}).ToList()



    Private Sub CombineAnchorsAndDownGuys(ByVal anchorsAndDownGuyList As List(Of FieldExtractAnchorsAndDownGuysInformation))

    Dim combinedAnchors As New List(Of Anchors)

    Dim groupedAnchorDownGuys = From anchorDownGuy In anchorsAndDownGuyList
                                Group anchorDownGuy By key = New With {Key anchorDownGuy.CoordA, anchorDownGuy.CoordX}
                                Into anchorDownGuyGroup = Group

    For Each anchor In groupedAnchorDownGuys

        Dim combinedDownGuys As New List(Of DownGuys)

        For Each guyWire In anchor.anchorDownGuyGroup

            combinedDownGuys.Add(New DownGuys(guyWire.Description, guyWire.CoordZ, guyWire.Diameter, guyWire.RTSStrength, guyWire.PoundsPerInch))


        combinedAnchors.Add(New Anchors(anchor.key.CoordX, anchor.key.CoordA, combinedDownGuys))


End Sub
