Vb.net net基础知识,如何创建用于处理动态创建的按钮的公共函数

Vb.net net基础知识,如何创建用于处理动态创建的按钮的公共函数,vb.net,Vb.net,我是vb.net的新手。老实说,我才用了一个星期左右。在为动态创建的按钮创建公共函数时,我遇到了一个难题 我有一个表单,其中有以下按钮创建代码: 'Function for creating buttons Public Sub CreateNewButton(font As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer,



'Function for creating buttons
Public Sub CreateNewButton(font As String, x As Integer, y As Integer,
                           width As Integer, height As Integer,
                           name As String, text As String,
                           menu_type As Integer,
                           Optional hidden As Boolean = True,
                           Optional centered As Boolean = False)

    'Create a button as an entity
    Dim btn As Button = New Button
    'Assign the location
    If centered = True Then
        btn.Location = New Point(x - width / 2, y - height / 2)
        btn.Location = New Point(x, y)
    End If
    'Assign other variables from function parameters
    btn.Name = name
    btn.Text = text
    btn.Height = height
    btn.Width = width

    'Should the button be hidden when created?
    If hidden = True Then
    End If

    'Change the font
    If font = "Normal" Then
        btn.Font = setFont(btn.Font, "Consolas", 18)
    ElseIf font = "Small" Then
        btn.Font = setFont(btn.Font, "Consolas", 12)
    End If

    'Assign the Handlers and non-function variables
    btn.BackColor = Color.Gray
    btn.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
    AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf ButtonOnMouseClick
    AddHandler btn.MouseHover, AddressOf ButtonOnMouseHover
    AddHandler btn.MouseLeave, AddressOf ButtonOnMouseLeave
End Sub
所以基本上,它在这种形式中使用时就像一个符咒。但是当我尝试以不同的形式使用它时,我意识到我必须再次创建相同的函数。如果我必须对每一种形式都这样做,那么这个过程就会变得单调乏味。 这就是为什么我决定创建一个名为PublicFunctions的新模块,在这个模块中,每个模块共享公共函数。问题是,一旦创建,它就无法执行,因为它返回的错误“Controls.add”以前没有声明过






Public Sub CreateNewButton(parentControls As ControlCollection,
                           font As String, x As Integer, y As Integer,
                           width As Integer, height As Integer,
                           name As String, text As String,
                           menu_type As Integer,
                           Optional hidden As Boolean = True,
                           Optional centered As Boolean = False)
    ' Abbreviated implementation to illustrate the point
    Dim newButton As New Button

    newButton.Top = y
    newButton.Left = x
    newButton.Name = name
    newButton.Text = text

End Sub
Public Sub CreateNewButton(parent As Control,
                             font As String, x As Integer, y As Integer,
                             width As Integer, height As Integer,
                             name As String, text As String,
                             menu_type As Integer,
                             Optional hidden As Boolean = True,
                             Optional centered As Boolean = False)
    ' Abbreviated implementation to illustrate the point
    Dim newButton As New Button

    newButton.Top = y
    newButton.Left = x
    newButton.Name = name
    newButton.Text = text

End Sub

Public Sub CreateNewButton(parentControls As ControlCollection,
                           font As String, x As Integer, y As Integer,
                           width As Integer, height As Integer,
                           name As String, text As String,
                           menu_type As Integer,
                           Optional hidden As Boolean = True,
                           Optional centered As Boolean = False)
    ' Abbreviated implementation to illustrate the point
    Dim newButton As New Button

    newButton.Top = y
    newButton.Left = x
    newButton.Name = name
    newButton.Text = text

End Sub
Public Sub CreateNewButton(parent As Control,
                             font As String, x As Integer, y As Integer,
                             width As Integer, height As Integer,
                             name As String, text As String,
                             menu_type As Integer,
                             Optional hidden As Boolean = True,
                             Optional centered As Boolean = False)
    ' Abbreviated implementation to illustrate the point
    Dim newButton As New Button

    newButton.Top = y
    newButton.Left = x
    newButton.Name = name
    newButton.Text = text

End Sub
它看起来像什么的屏幕截图。 *新1来自第一个函数 *新的2来自第二个函数


CreateNewButton(Me.Controls, "", 10, 10, 50, 20, "btnNew1", "New 1", 1)
CreateNewButton(Me, "", 100, 100, 50, 20, "btnNew2", "New 2", 1)

创建一个类库.DLL,比如包含函数的MyFunctionsLib.DLL,并将其放在新项目文件夹的同一文件夹或任何子文件夹中。 创建另一个新项目时,您可以添加对“DLL”文件的引用,并可以访问这些函数。 在visual Studio 2017中,文件->新建项目->visual Basic->.NET标准->类库 并给出一个合适的名称,如MyFunctionsLib,单击Ok


