Vb.net 如何将类作为参数传递,然后使用该类的共享方法?

Vb.net 如何将类作为参数传递,然后使用该类的共享方法?,vb.net,class,arguments,Vb.net,Class,Arguments,注意:这个问题不是问如何传递类的实例。它询问如何通过具有共享项的类 例如。。。 有没有关于如何制作一个函数来实现这一点的想法 Public Function InsertSQL(ByVal xClass As Type) As String InsertSQL = "Insert into " InsertSQL = InsertSQL & xClass.TableName InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " (" InsertSQ


例如。。。 有没有关于如何制作一个函数来实现这一点的想法

Public Function InsertSQL(ByVal xClass As Type) As String
    InsertSQL = "Insert into "
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & xClass.TableName
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " ("
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & xClass.FieldList
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " )"
End Function

Public Class cClient
    Public Shared TableName = "Clients"
    Public Shared Function FieldList() As String
        FieldList = "Name, Phone"
    End Function
End Class

Public Class cSale
    Public Shared TableName = "Sales"
    Public Shared Function FieldList() As String
        FieldList = "Name, Amount"
    End Function
End Class

请注意,此代码只是一个示例。 当然,如果我通过一个类的实例,我没有问题。

我会用在你的情况下。 像这样的

Public Sub Main
    Dim c = new cClient()
    Dim sql = InsertSQL(c)
End Sub

' Pass an actual instance of a class that inehrits cTableBase'
' all of these classes have the same BASE functions and property
' defined in the base class
Public Function InsertSQL(ByVal xClass As cTableBase) As String
    InsertSQL = "Insert into "
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & xClass.TableName
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " ("
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & xClass.FieldList
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " )"
End Function

Public Class cTableBase
    Public TableName As String 
    Public Overridable Function FieldList() As String
    End Function
End Class

Public Class cClient 
    Inherits cTableBase
    Public Sub New
        TableName = "Clients"
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function FieldList() As String
        FieldList = "Name, Phone"
    End Function
End Class

Public Class cSale 
    Inherits cTableBase
    Public Sub New
        TableName = "Sales"
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function FieldList() As String
        FieldList = "Name, Amount"
    End Function
End Class

Sub Main
    Dim c = new cClient()
    Dim result = InsertSQL(c.GetType())
End Sub

Public Function InsertSQL(ByVal xClass As Type) As String

    Dim fi = xClass.GetField("TableName")
    Dim tableName = fi.GetValue(xClass)

    Dim mi = xClass.GetMethod("FieldList")
    Dim fieldList = mi.Invoke(xClass, Nothing)

    InsertSQL = "Insert into "
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & tableName
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " ("
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & fieldList
    InsertSQL = InsertSQL & " )"
End Function
