Vb.net ActionBlock完成。等待状态似乎挂起了整个程序

Vb.net ActionBlock完成。等待状态似乎挂起了整个程序,vb.net,task-parallel-library,Vb.net,Task Parallel Library,下面的程序按照我的意图工作,它演示了两个不同的ActionBlock使用两个不同的线程。但是,我读到的所有内容都说,我应该使用ActionBlock.Completion.Wait,以便让ActionBlock完成它的工作。当我将当前已注释的内容添加到此程序时,它将挂起 是因为我试图从UI线程启动ActionBlock吗?我是不是应该把这堆乱七八糟的东西放在一个后台工作人员那里 Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Threading.Task



Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1
Protected _theConn As SqlConnection
Protected _DataList As New List(Of UISyncer)
Protected _TableList As New List(Of String)

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    _theConn = New SqlConnection("Server=USFRNDCUSHING2\MSSQSERVER2012;Database=ActionTaskTest;User Id=sa;Password=Sa1234;")
    _DataList.Add(New UISyncer("ActionTaskOne", txtParallel1))
    _DataList.Add(New UISyncer("ActionTaskTwo", txtParallel2))


End Sub

Private Function ReadFromTable(ByVal tableName As String) As DataSet
    Dim ds As New DataSet()
    Dim adapt As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter()
    Dim selectString As String = "SELECT * FROM " & tableName

    adapt.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(selectString, _theConn)
    adapt.Fill(ds, tableName)

    Return ds
End Function

Private Sub readBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles readBtn.Click


End Sub

Private Sub DoTheWorkSimpler()
    For Each tableName As String In _TableList
        Dim dsResult As DataSet = ReadFromTable(tableName)
        DealWithDataSet(dsResult, 1, tableName)
End Sub

Private Sub DealWithDataSet(ByRef dsResult1 As DataSet, ByVal maxDegreeOfParallelism As Integer, ByVal tableName As String)

    Dim workerBlock = New ActionBlock(Of DataRow)(Function(dr) DoStuff(dr), New ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() With {.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism})

    For Each dr As DataRow In dsResult1.Tables(tableName).Rows

    'Here is my question, why does this hang my program
    'workerBlock.Completion.Wait()  'This just seems to hang the whole danged thing.

End Sub

'This might want to be shared, if it wasn't writing to the text box
Private Function DoStuff(ByRef dr As DataRow)

    Dim theString As String = dr("TaskDesc").ToString() & " on Thread: " & Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId & Environment.NewLine

    Return Nothing
End Function

Public Sub AppendTextBox(value As String)
    If InvokeRequired Then
        Me.Invoke(New Action(Of String)(AddressOf AppendTextBox), New Object() {value})
    End If
    txtOut1.Text += value
End Sub

End Class
