
想要用VB6编写Excel代码吗,vb6,Vb6,我想将excel文件Sheet1的A列的值转换为变量字符串,更改其值后,我想将其粘贴到同一excel文件的另一张Sheet2的A列中。以下是您需要执行的操作: 首先,通过访问以下内容,确保在VB6引用中引用EXCEL: 项目>引用>Microsoft Excel XX对象库 其中XX是安装在PC上的Office版本 Dim objEX As New Excel.Application objEX.Visible = True ' Optional if you want to see wha



首先,通过访问以下内容,确保在VB6引用中引用EXCEL: 项目>引用>Microsoft Excel XX对象库


Dim objEX As New Excel.Application

objEX.Visible = True 
' Optional if you want to see what is going on in EXCEL 
' while your code is being executed.

    objEX.Workbooks.Open "C:\My Files\Filename.xls"    
        'Make sure you put the right path of the excel workbook you want to open

With objEX
    'If you know the name of the sheet you want to read from 
    ' then use this code

    'Otherwise, you may only know that the sheet is 
    ' physically the first sheet in that workbook, then use this code:

    Dim myValue As Double

    myValue = .Range("A1").Value  
   ' Change A1 to whatever Cell you want to read from the sheet

    'Now we will do something with the value that we read and 
    ' then will save it back to EXCEL in sheet 2 and cell B2 for example
    myValue = Val(myValue) + 1000

    'if you know that name of the second sheet

    'if you don't know the name, but know the location

    .Range("B2").Value = myValue                 
    ' This will write the variable to the location B2 in sheet 2

    'Saves the changes you have done

    'Close the workbooks but keeps Excel application open

    'Quits excel instance and releases the process from task manager

End With

    Set objEX = Nothing            
   'Garbage Collection and making sure memory is released to other processes.
