Vba 计算列中唯一文件的重复值

Vba 计算列中唯一文件的重复值,vba,excel,count,Vba,Excel,Count,我有两个QN,应该在VBA代码中执行。 1.我想计算一个特定字符串在一列中重复超过40个唯一值的总次数。如何实现这一点 对于如Apple、banana、grapes这样的唯一值,在一列中重复40个以上的唯一值,我想要这样的单个字符串的计数 Apple- 30 times repeated banana- 4 times repeated. 在计算每个字符串的总数之后,我想用一个特定的标准来计算它们。 如果价格超过40美元,算一算苹果 数葡萄,如果成本超过40 下面的代码将A列中的所有字符串添加

我有两个QN,应该在VBA代码中执行。 1.我想计算一个特定字符串在一列中重复超过40个唯一值的总次数。如何实现这一点


Apple- 30 times repeated
banana- 4 times repeated.
在计算每个字符串的总数之后,我想用一个特定的标准来计算它们。 如果价格超过40美元,算一算苹果 数葡萄,如果成本超过40


Sub main()

Dim colCollection As New Collection
Dim x, q As Variant
Dim cellValue As String
Dim j, i, count As Integer
Dim numbers As New Scripting.Dictionary 'NOTE: add microsoft scripting Runtime Ref

x = 1 'collections start at 1

    While Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(x, "A").Value <> "" 'while cell is not empty
        cellValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(x, "A").Value 'store string value from cell
        colCollection.Add (cellValue) ' add entry from cell to collection
        x = x + 1 'increment

    'Sort collection (bubbble sort) and record number of each unique item
    For i = colCollection.count To 2 Step -1 'count down from collection
        For j = 1 To i - 1
            'bubble up item
            If colCollection(j) > colCollection(j + 1) Then
                colCollection.Add colCollection(j), After:=j + 1
                colCollection.Remove j
            End If
        Next j
        'finding count of unique item
        If i <> colCollection.count Then 'if not at last item (can't compare 2 items when only given 1)
           If i = 2 Then 'if at end
                numbers.Add colCollection(i), count + 3 'add sum to dictionary with corresponding key value
                If StrComp(colCollection(i + 1), colCollection(i), 1) = 0 Then 'if same string
                    count = count + 1 'increment count
                    numbers.Add colCollection(i + 1), count + 1 'add sum to dictionary with corresponding key value
                    count = 0 'reset count
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next i

'loop through dictionary
For Each q In numbers.Keys
    Debug.Print q & "- " & numbers.Item(q); " times repeated."

End Sub
