
使用vba将格式为变量的文本从一个文件传递到另一个文件,vba,powerpoint,powerpoint-2013,Vba,Powerpoint,Powerpoint 2013,我对VBA比较陌生,一般来说只有非常有限的编程经验,但非常感谢您的帮助 最终目标是将PPT中文本框中的文本作为演示之间的变量传递(格式化)。我认为将(格式化的)文本作为变量传递是很重要的,因为该变量将用于生成电子邮件的正文(这部分代码已经完成,但我正在尝试创建该变量的核心)。不幸的是,我不知道如何在VBA中传递变量。我想我已经知道了如何抓取文本,但是简单的格式(粗体、文本大小差异等)丢失了。请帮忙?:-) 暗淡的标题 标题=ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(






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Option Explicit

' Macro to copy the first shape from the first slide of open presentation 1 to the first slide of open presentation 2
' Requires that 2 presetnations are open and that the first has a shape on slide 1
' Wriiten by Jamie Garroch of youpresent.co.uk
Sub PassTextBoxBetweenPresentations()
  Dim oSrcShp As Shape ' Source Shape in Presentation 1
  Dim oTgtShp As Shape ' Source Shape in Presentation 2

  ' Set a reference to a shape in the first presentation, in this case, the first shape on the first slide
  Set oSrcShp = Presentations(1).Slides(1).Shapes(1)

  ' Copy the shape (with all of its properties) to the clipboard

  ' Paste the shape from the first presentation to the second presentation

  ' Set a reference to the pasted shape
  Set oTgtShp = Presentations(2).Slides(1).Shapes(Presentations(2).Slides(1).Shapes.Count)

  ' Do stuff with your pasted shape object
  With oTgtShp
    Dim headlines
    If .HasTextFrame Then
      If .TextFrame.HasText Then
        headlines = .TextFrame.TextRange.Text
        Debug.Print headlines
      End If
    End If
  End With

  ' Clean up
  Set oSrcShp = Nothing: Set oTgtShp = Nothing
End Sub

Option Explicit

' Macro to copy the first shape from the first slide of open presentation 1 to the first slide of open presentation 2
' Requires that 2 presetnations are open and that the first has a shape on slide 1
' Wriiten by Jamie Garroch of youpresent.co.uk
Sub PassTextBoxBetweenPresentations()
  Dim oSrcShp As Shape ' Source Shape in Presentation 1
  Dim oTgtShp As Shape ' Source Shape in Presentation 2

  ' Set a reference to a shape in the first presentation, in this case, the first shape on the first slide
  Set oSrcShp = Presentations(1).Slides(1).Shapes(1)

  ' Copy the shape (with all of its properties) to the clipboard

  ' Paste the shape from the first presentation to the second presentation

  ' Set a reference to the pasted shape
  Set oTgtShp = Presentations(2).Slides(1).Shapes(Presentations(2).Slides(1).Shapes.Count)

  ' Do stuff with your pasted shape object
  With oTgtShp
    Dim headlines
    If .HasTextFrame Then
      If .TextFrame.HasText Then
        headlines = .TextFrame.TextRange.Text
        Debug.Print headlines
      End If
    End If
  End With

  ' Clean up
  Set oSrcShp = Nothing: Set oTgtShp = Nothing
End Sub