
VBA数组变量-下标超出范围,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,这是我第一次用VBA编程的第三天。我以前学过C编程和Java编程,以供参考。从头开始创建自定义Excel宏。与这个错误作斗争。我花了好几个小时在上面 应用程序的目的是获取数据,并在工作表之间移动数据。这只是代码的一部分 IF-ELSE中发生错误。首先在else中发生,因此程序从未尝试运行if部分 请注意,array1是全局声明的。例如,它甚至不允许我将第一个元素设置为5。但是,如果我尝试更改TempArray120(已经存储了数据)中的值,它就可以正常工作 ^认为这是一个声明/实例化问题 arr






array1(i, 1) = ((TempArray120(i, 1) + TempArray277(i, 1)) / 2) 'getting the avg

array1(1, 1) = 5

Dim array1() As Variant 'declare a array. The lower array determined by current
Dim array2() As Variant 'delcare a array. The upper array determined by current
Sub main()
    Call DataFetch("Test", False)
    Call DataFetch("Test1", True)
End Sub
Sub DataFetch(sheet As String, LowOrUpper As Boolean)
 'Instance Variable Declaration
    Dim TempArray120() As Variant 'create and array that will hold 10 values and the current for the 120volts
    Dim TempArray277() As Variant 'create and array that will hold 10 values and the current for the 277 volts

    TempArray120 = Worksheets(sheet).Range("F12:F2").Value    'read in the InPower from Dim lvl of 0Volts to 10volts @120volts
    TempArray120(11, 1) = Worksheets(sheet).Range("K2").Value  'read in the OutCurrent at the 10Volt Dim lvl @120volts
    TempArray277 = Worksheets(sheet).Range("F23:F13").Value    'read in the InPower from Dim lvl of 0Volts to 10volts @277volts
    TempArray277(11, 1) = Worksheets(sheet).Range("K13").Value  'read in the OutCurrent at the 10Volt Dim lvl @277volts
    'i belive the .value is correct for array use
    'need to average this data and return to a global array. Needs to be the right array. Will check for that.
    'LowOrUpper is flase for lower current and true for higher current

    If LowOrUpper Then '-if the higher current data
        For i = 1 To 11 Step 1
            Set array2(i, 1) = ((TempArray120(i, 1).Value + TempArray277(i, 1).Value) / 2)   'set avg value to the global array. Note that this is for the lower array
        Next 'end of for loop
    Else '-was false and must be the lower current data
        For i = 1 To 11 Step 1
            array1(i, 1) = ((TempArray120(i, 1) + TempArray277(i, 1)) / 2)   'set avg value to the global array. Note that this is for the lower array
            'array1(i, 1) = TempArray120(i, 1)
                'this does not work. same error
            'array1(1, 1) = 5
                'this does not work. same error
        Next 'end of for loop
    End If
    Call DataHandler
End Sub
Sub DataHandler()
 'Instance Variable Declaration
'paste data into lower and upper curve. The data will the be generated. This is the First generation
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("C7:C18").Value = array1  'setting the data values for Lower Curve.Data is in Array1. This should work 5/18/2017 spent a lot of time on this line
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("K7:K17").Value = array2 'setting the data values for Upper Curve.Data is in Array2

Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("B5").Value = array1(11, 1).Value 'setting the current cell for lower
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("J5").Value = array2(11, 1).Value 'setting the current cell for upper
Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("F5").Value = Worksheets("Main").Range("B5") 'sets the generated data current to user spec

'handle the data that was just generated => Transfer to the Fine curve
Worksheets("Step 2 - Fine Curve").Range("E3:E13").Value = Worksheets("Step 1 - Coarse Curve").Range("H7:H17").Value 'this is correct
Worksheets("Step 2 - Fine Curve").Range("A102").Value = ID 'insert the ID at the end of data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUST EDIT
Dim fineData As Range 'this will be sent to the CSV file
Set fineData = Worksheets("Step 2 - Fine Curve").Range("B2:B102").Value 'do not believe this needs a .value??????

'Open new file. Make it visiable.
Dim myFile As String 'will hold path name
myFile = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\" & ID & ".csv" 'determine the pathname for new CSV file
Open myFile For Output As #1 'allows the file to be written to. Can now be refered to as #1 as well
'^if the file already exist it will be deleted and a new file will be created with same name
'now write in the array data
Write #1, fineData.Value
Close #1 'gotta close the file
'note the csv file is saved to the root directory of project

End Sub

选项Base 1




因为在同一模块中有0个隐式大小数组和1-基<代码>范围<代码>数组,请考虑指定<代码>选项基1 统一数组边界并在模块中到处使用基于1的数组,或者您需要偏移(<代码> - 1 / + 1 < /代码>)数组到单元格坐标。

array1(1, 1) = 5 'doesn't work either