Vba 找到最大级别1 WBS并将所有级别2 WBS放入阵列的简单方法?

Vba 找到最大级别1 WBS并将所有级别2 WBS放入阵列的简单方法?,vba,ms-project,Vba,Ms Project,从文档中我似乎找不到任何关于如何做到这一点的信息。我的问题基本上已经解决了。我需要max WBS level 1值作为一个整数,然后循环遍历它的所有level2子任务/摘要,并将它们的一些值放入一个数组中 如果我可以在迭代之前获得属于该摘要的子任务的数量,这样我就可以使用正确的行/列对数组进行调暗,而不必在事后对其进行转置,这也会很方便 任何帮助或指导都将不胜感激,微软项目文档非常糟糕,互联网上没有太多关于这方面的信息 我不想这样做: Dim TopVal As Integer For Each

从文档中我似乎找不到任何关于如何做到这一点的信息。我的问题基本上已经解决了。我需要max WBS level 1值作为一个整数,然后循环遍历它的所有level2子任务/摘要,并将它们的一些值放入一个数组中




Dim TopVal As Integer
For Each t in ActiveProject.Tasks
   Dim tVal As Integer
   tVal = t.WBS.Split("."c)(0)
   If  tVal > TopVal Then TopVal = tVal
Next t

我不知道你说的“我需要最高WBS 1级”是什么意思。这不是你项目的第一项任务吗?。。i、 e.





Function getLevel2Tasks() As Collection
    Dim t As Task
    Dim level2Tasks As Collection
    Set level2Tasks = New Collection
    For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
       If t.outlineLevel = 2 Then
            level2Tasks.Add Item:=t
        End If
    Set getLevel2Tasks = level2Tasks
End Function


不幸的是,您必须循环才能解决问题。MS Project不允许您将一组字段(像所有WBS一样)拉入一个数组,而无需遍历所有内容。对于这个问题,您需要确定两个不同的信息位:您使用的是什么级别的WBS,以及给定WBS下有多少级别的子任务


Private Sub test()
    With ThisProject
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To .Tasks.count
            Dim subWBSCount As Long
            If .Tasks.Item(i).OutlineLevel = 2 Then
                subWBSCount = GetSubWBSCount(.Tasks.Item(i).wbs, i)
                Debug.Print "At level 2 (" & .Tasks.Item(i).wbs & _
                            ") there are " & subWBSCount & " sub tasks"
                '    you can properly dimension your array here,
                '    then fill it with the sub-task information
                '    as needed
            End If
        Next i
    End With
End Sub
Private Function GetSubWBSCount(ByVal topWBS As String, ByVal wbsIndex As Long) As Long
    '--- loop to find the given WBS, then determine how many
    '    sub tasks lie under that WBS
    With ThisProject
        Dim j As Long
        Dim count As Long
        For j = (wbsIndex + 1) To .Tasks.count
            Dim lastDotPos As Long
            lastDotPos = InStrRev(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                  ".", , vbTextCompare)
            Dim wbsPrefix As String
            wbsPrefix = Left$(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                              lastDotPos - 1)
            If wbsPrefix = topWBS Then
                count = count + 1
                '--- check for the edge case where this is
                '    the very last task, and so our count is
                '    finished
                If j = .Tasks.count Then
                    GetSubWBSCount = count
                    Exit Function
                End If
                '--- once we run out of sub-wbs tasks that
                '    match, we're done
                GetSubWBSCount = count
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next j
    End With
End Function
当您需要计算2级WBS下的子任务时,最简单的方法是分解成一个单独的函数来保持逻辑的清晰。它从给定的任务开始,然后向下,比较每个后续任务的WBS“前缀”——这意味着如果您在WBS 1.1下寻找子任务,那么当您看到WBS 1.1.1和1.1.2时,您需要真正比较每个任务的“1.1”部分。计数,直到子任务用完为止

Private Sub test()
    With ThisProject
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To .Tasks.count
            Dim subWBSCount As Long
            If .Tasks.Item(i).OutlineLevel = 2 Then
                subWBSCount = GetSubWBSCount(.Tasks.Item(i).wbs, i)
                Debug.Print "At level 2 (" & .Tasks.Item(i).wbs & _
                            ") there are " & subWBSCount & " sub tasks"
                '    you can properly dimension your array here,
                '    then fill it with the sub-task information
                '    as needed
            End If
        Next i
    End With
End Sub
Private Function GetSubWBSCount(ByVal topWBS As String, ByVal wbsIndex As Long) As Long
    '--- loop to find the given WBS, then determine how many
    '    sub tasks lie under that WBS
    With ThisProject
        Dim j As Long
        Dim count As Long
        For j = (wbsIndex + 1) To .Tasks.count
            Dim lastDotPos As Long
            lastDotPos = InStrRev(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                  ".", , vbTextCompare)
            Dim wbsPrefix As String
            wbsPrefix = Left$(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                              lastDotPos - 1)
            If wbsPrefix = topWBS Then
                count = count + 1
                '--- check for the edge case where this is
                '    the very last task, and so our count is
                '    finished
                If j = .Tasks.count Then
                    GetSubWBSCount = count
                    Exit Function
                End If
                '--- once we run out of sub-wbs tasks that
                '    match, we're done
                GetSubWBSCount = count
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next j
    End With
End Function

Option Explicit

Private Sub test()
    With ThisProject
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To .Tasks.count
            Dim subWBSCount As Long
            If .Tasks.Item(i).OutlineLevel = 2 Then
                subWBSCount = GetSubWBSCount(.Tasks.Item(i).wbs, i)
                Debug.Print "At level 2 (" & .Tasks.Item(i).wbs & _
                            ") there are " & subWBSCount & " sub tasks"
                '    you can properly dimension your array here,
                '    then fill it with the sub-task information
                '    as needed
            End If
        Next i
    End With
End Sub

Private Function GetSubWBSCount(ByVal topWBS As String, ByVal wbsIndex As Long) As Long
    '--- loop to find the given WBS, then determine how many
    '    sub tasks lie under that WBS
    With ThisProject
        Dim j As Long
        Dim count As Long
        For j = (wbsIndex + 1) To .Tasks.count
            Dim lastDotPos As Long
            lastDotPos = InStrRev(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                                  ".", , vbTextCompare)
            Dim wbsPrefix As String
            wbsPrefix = Left$(.Tasks.Item(j).wbs, _
                              lastDotPos - 1)
            If wbsPrefix = topWBS Then
                count = count + 1
                '--- check for the edge case where this is
                '    the very last task, and so our count is
                '    finished
                If j = .Tasks.count Then
                    GetSubWBSCount = count
                    Exit Function
                End If
                '--- once we run out of sub-wbs tasks that
                '    match, we're done
                GetSubWBSCount = count
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next j
    End With
End Function


Sub GetMaxWBSTaskInfo()

    Dim MaxWBS As Integer
    Dim tsk As Task
    Dim MaxWbsTask As Task
    Dim NumSubtasks As Integer

    ' expand all subprojects so loop goes through all subproject tasks

    For Each tsk In ActiveProject.Tasks
        If Split(tsk.WBS, ".")(0) > MaxWBS Then
            MaxWBS = Split(tsk.WBS, ".")(0)
            Set MaxWbsTask = tsk
        End If

    NumSubtasks = ChildCount(MaxWbsTask)
    Debug.Print "Max WBS level=" & MaxWBS, "Task: " & MaxWbsTask.Name, "# subtasks=" & NumSubtasks

End Sub

Function ChildCount(tsk As Task) As Integer
    Dim s As Task
    Dim NumTasks As Integer
    For Each s In tsk.OutlineChildren
        NumTasks = NumTasks + 1 + ChildCount(s)
    Next s
    ChildCount = NumTasks
End Function

你试过什么?你遇到了什么问题?请向我们展示您的代码以及您到目前为止所做的研究。您为什么不想这样做?循环执行任务非常快。我对MS Project一无所知,但从文档中看,它就像调用一样简单。@Comintern调用