Excel vba web抓取:如何在代码执行时隐藏chrome浏览器

Excel vba web抓取:如何在代码执行时隐藏chrome浏览器,vba,selenium,google-chrome,web,screen-scraping,Vba,Selenium,Google Chrome,Web,Screen Scraping,我想问一下,如果将Chrome o Edge和Selenium与Excel vba(web scraping)一起使用,我是否无法像使用Internet.Explorer那样显示浏览器。IE.Visible=False 谢谢对不起,更准确 使用Interenet Explorer Set IE = createobject (InternetExplorer.Application) With IE .Visible = False .Navigate URL End Wit

我想问一下,如果将Chrome o Edge和Selenium与Excel vba(web scraping)一起使用,我是否无法像使用Internet.Explorer那样显示浏览器。IE.Visible=False 谢谢


使用Interenet Explorer

Set IE = createobject (InternetExplorer.Application)
With IE
     .Visible = False
     .Navigate URL
End With

  Dim driver As New WebDriver
     With driver
          **.Visible = False ????**
         .Start "Chrome", ""
         .Get URL
  End With