
如何将项目从Json数组传递到组合框VBA,vba,Vba,//我的代码 My JSON API Contains Arrays inside arrays, in my code I can get the first name and last name from the JSON to add them to my combobox, so i have only access to these 2 attributes, but I need the whole item from the JSON, because i will use the


My JSON API Contains Arrays inside arrays, in my code I can get the first name and last name from the JSON to add them to my combobox, so i have only access to these 2 attributes, but I need the whole item from the JSON, because i will use the information of this item later

For example I will choose from the combobox 'Nicolas Adrian' and when I will click on a button i want the other information from the JSON item to appear, but I don't know how, I have only access to first and last name

Dim http As Object, JSON As Object, i As Integer
Dim RowValue(157, 1) As Variant
Set httpGet = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
URL2 = ""
http.Open "GET", URL2, False
Set JSONGet = ParseJson(http.responseText)
i =0
For Each Item In JSONGet
RowValue(i, 0) = Item("refResource")("refPerson")("firstName")
RowValue(i, 1) = Item("refResource")("refPerson")("lastName")
i = i + 1
Combobox1.list = RowValue