Vba 更改活动单元

Vba 更改活动单元,vba,excel,excel-2007,Vba,Excel,Excel 2007,我想创建一个程序,检查excel中的一列文本,并提取包含货币的第一行。货币单位为加元,格式为加元。没有已知的上限,但不太可能达到10000美元。我希望做这个操作500次,并将结果保存在一张母版纸上 我是excel中VBA的新手,希望能在以下代码方面得到帮助。我遇到的问题是无法更改活动工作表。脚本返回值!并且没有通过行“SaSh.RangeA1.Select” Option Explicit Public NewValue As Integer 'Amount of Money current i



Option Explicit
Public NewValue As Integer 'Amount of Money current item is being sold for

Function PriceOfGoods(SaleString As String)

    Dim SaleSheet As Worksheet

    Set SaleSheet = Worksheets(SaleString)

    NewValue = -1

    Call PriceSearch(SaleSheet)

    PriceOfGoods = NewValue

End Function

Public Sub PriceSearch(SaSh As Worksheet)

    Dim StartNumber As Integer
    Dim EndNumber As Integer
    Dim CurrentCell As String

    EndNumber = 1000

    'Activating the Query Sheet and starting search at the top left corner of the sheet

    'Keep searching the A column until you come across the Canadian Currency post
     For StartNumber = 1 To EndNumber

        CurrentCell = ActiveCell.Value

        'Checking to see if the current cell is Canadian Currency
        If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(CurrencyValuation(CurrentCell)) Then

            NewValue = CurrencyValuation(ActiveCell.Value)
            Exit For

        End If

        'Continue search in the next row
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

    Next StartNumber

End Sub

Function CurrencyValuation(CurrencyInput As String)

Dim NewCurrency As Integer

NewCurrency = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(CurrencyInput, "C", "")

CurrencyValuation = NewCurrency

End Function



Public Sub PriceSearch(SaSh As Worksheet)

    Dim StartNumber As Integer
    Dim EndNumber As Integer
    Dim CellToCheck As Range

    EndNumber = 1000

    'Search the Query Sheet and starting search at the top left corner of the sheet
    'Keep searching the A column until you come across the Canadian Currency post
     For StartNumber = 1 To EndNumber

        Set CellToCheck = SaSh.Cells(RowIndex:=StartNumber, ColumnIndex:=1)

        'Checking to see if the current cell is Canadian Currency
        If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(CurrencyValuation(CellToCheck.Value)) Then
            NewValue = CurrencyValuation(CellToCheck.Value)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next StartNumber

End Sub

在将SaSh传递给PriceSearch函数时,您是否考虑过它可能存在的任何问题?从工作表单元格调用的函数的功能受到限制:您可以重写PriceSearch子函数以避免使用ActiveCell,然后选择“尝试更具体”。i、 例如,工作簿、工作表、范围A1。选择Select和ActiveSheet/Cell会让人头疼。避免谢谢你的帮助。