
VBA:创建内存中的位图以显示为commandbarbutton上的图标,vba,bitmap,ms-project,Vba,Bitmap,Ms Project,在VBA中,我创建了一个带有按钮的自定义命令栏,允许我在MS Project planning中设置所选线条的背景色 我不想使用文本标题,而是希望在每个按钮上显示具有适当颜色的16x16位图图标。我可以从硬盘加载这些位图,但希望在VBA中创建它们 这可能吗?经过广泛的研究,VBA afaik中没有位图或绘图类 现在的情况是: 它应该变成什么(手动完成): 代码: 我猜cctrl是作为命令按钮的Dim cctrl中的一个输入错误。另外,为什么不将位图图标存储在隐藏的工作表中,然后将其加载到按钮

在VBA中,我创建了一个带有按钮的自定义命令栏,允许我在MS Project planning中设置所选线条的背景色


这可能吗?经过广泛的研究,VBA afaik中没有位图或绘图类




Dim cctrl中的一个输入错误。另外,为什么不将位图图标存储在隐藏的工作表中,然后将其加载到按钮?或用户窗体中的隐藏图像控件,从中可以将图像导出到用户的临时目录,然后将其上载到
?cctrl确实是一个打字错误,explicit没有打开,所以它没有返回任何错误-你能给我看一些关于如何将隐藏在用户表单中的图像存储到tempdir的示例代码吗?Chip Pearson发布了如何按照@SiddharthRout的建议执行此操作:
'1 red
'2 yellow
'3 green
'4 blue
'5 dark blue
'6 fushia
'7 white

Sub createcolorbar()

    Dim cbar As CommandBar
    Dim cctrl As CommandBarButton

    On Error Resume Next

    Set cbar = CommandBars.Add("Colors")
    cbar.Visible = True
    cbar.Position = msoBarTop

    With cbar
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "White"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption 'change for icon
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_white"""
            '.FaceId = 59 'Smiley
            .Picture = stdole.StdFunctions.LoadPicture("c:\Temp\a.bmp")
        End With
         ' red
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "Red"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonCaption
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_red"""
        End With
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "Yellow"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonCaption
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_yellow"""
        End With
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "Green"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonCaption
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_green"""
        End With
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "Blue"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonCaption
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_blue"""
        End With
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "Darkblue"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonCaption
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_darkblue"""
        End With
        Set ctrl = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
        With ctrl
            .BeginGroup = True
            .Caption = "Fushia"
            .State = msoButtonUp
            .Style = msoButtonCaption
            .OnAction = "Macro ""color_fushia"""
        End With
    End With
    Set ctrl = Nothing

End Sub

Sub color_x(x)
    Set ts = ActiveSelection.Tasks
    For Each tsk In ts
        FontEx CellColor:=x
    Next tsk
End Sub

Sub color_red()
    Call color_x(1)
End Sub

Sub color_yellow()
    Call color_x(2)
End Sub

Sub color_green()
    Call color_x(3)
End Sub

Sub color_blue()
    Call color_x(4)
End Sub

Sub color_darkblue()
    Call color_x(5)
End Sub

Sub color_fushia()
    Call color_x(6)
End Sub

Sub color_white()
    Call color_x(7)
End Sub