Vba 代码中的nts指的是本工作簿,而不是变量wb。虽然在某些情况下可能会有这样的原因,但通常我会说选择其中一种,但不要混合。快速测试-只需尝试工作表(“TestCase\u模板”)。在之后复制:=工作表(“可跟踪矩阵”),看看这是否有效?当我使用工作表(“Te

Vba 代码中的nts指的是本工作簿,而不是变量wb。虽然在某些情况下可能会有这样的原因,但通常我会说选择其中一种,但不要混合。快速测试-只需尝试工作表(“TestCase\u模板”)。在之后复制:=工作表(“可跟踪矩阵”),看看这是否有效?当我使用工作表(“Te,vba,excel,runtime-error,Vba,Excel,Runtime Error,代码中的nts指的是本工作簿,而不是变量wb。虽然在某些情况下可能会有这样的原因,但通常我会说选择其中一种,但不要混合。快速测试-只需尝试工作表(“TestCase\u模板”)。在之后复制:=工作表(“可跟踪矩阵”),看看这是否有效?当我使用工作表(“TestCase\u模板”)。在之后复制:=工作表(“可跟踪矩阵”)我遇到同样的自动化错误,excel崩溃。如果我只做工作表(“TestCase_模板”)。复制工作表(“可追溯性矩阵”)我会得到“运行时错误”-2147417848(80010108

我会得到“运行时错误”-2147417848(80010108):“对象的方法”“复制”“工作表”“失败”。但Excel不会崩溃@brucewayned是否有此帮助?这似乎让我想起了几年前在Excel 2003中复制工作表时的记忆错误。我认为不需要保存/关闭/重新打开该文件,但可能需要定期保存该文件。另外,在过程结束时调用
Set wb=thiswoolk
。我想如果我能弄清楚为什么我的project explorer显示我不存在的工作簿,我会找到问题的根源没有创建。哇!我真的很感谢你的帮助。关于删除
。我想如果我能弄清楚为什么我的project explorer显示我不存在的工作簿,我会找到问题的根源没有创建。
templateSheet.Copy After:=indexSheet
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), Application.Workbooks.Open(filePath)
    wb.Close (True)
Private Sub OkButton_Click()

'Dont update the screen while the macro runs
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    'Sheet and workbook variables
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim indexSheet As Worksheet, templateSheet As Worksheet
    Dim templateCopy As Worksheet, newSheet As Worksheet

    'Table and new row variables
    Dim Tbl As ListObject
    Dim NewRow As ListRow

    'Variables to group shapes based on
    'need to hide or show them
    Dim hideShapes() As Variant, showShapes() As Variant
    Dim hideGroup As Object, showGroup As Object

    'Misc variables
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim exists As Boolean
    Dim filePath As String

    'Variables to assign ranges
    Dim scenarioRng As Range
    Dim traceabilityFocus As Range
    Dim testCaseRng As Range
    Dim statusRng As Range
    Dim newSheetTestCaseRng As Range
    Dim newSheetStatusRng As Range
    Dim newSheetFocus As Range
    Dim newSheetDateRng As Range

    'Create array of shapes based on visibility rules
    hideShapes = Array("TextBox 2", "Rectangle 1")
    showShapes = Array("TextBox 15", "TextBox 14", "TextBox 13", "TextBox 11", "StatsRec", "Button 10")

    'To reference Traceability Matrix sheet
    Set indexSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Traceability Matrix")
    'To reference Template sheet
    Set templateSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TestCase_Template")
    'To reference traceability matrix table
    Set Tbl = indexSheet.ListObjects("TMatrix")
    'Set hideShapes to a hide group
    Set hideGroup = indexSheet.Shapes.Range(hideShapes)
    'Set show shapes to a show group
    Set showGroup = indexSheet.Shapes.Range(showShapes)
    'To reference this workbook
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    'Get file path of this workbook and set it to string
    filePath = wb.FullName

    'If the userform fields are empty then show error message
    If ScenarioNameBox.Value = "" Or TestCaseNameBox.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox ("Please complete both fields.")
    'If the userform fields are completed and a worksheet with
    'the same name exists, set boolean to true
        For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count
        If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Name = TestCaseNameBox.Value Then
            exists = True
    End If
    'Iterate through all worksheets
    Next i

    'If test case name already exists, show error message
    If exists Then
        MsgBox ("This test case name is already in use. Please choose another name.")
    'If test case name is unique, update workbook
        'Copy template sheet to after traceability matrix sheet
        templateSheet.Copy After:=indexSheet 'LOCATION OF ERROR!!!
        'Ensure template sheet is hidden
        templateSheet.Visible = False

        'To reference copy of template
        Set templateCopy = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TestCase_Template (2)")

        'Rename template sheet to the test case name
        templateCopy.Name = TestCaseNameBox.Value
        'To reference re-named template sheet
        Set newSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(TestCaseNameBox.Value)
        'Show new sheet
        newSheet.Visible = True

        'Set focus to traceability matrix
        Set traceabilityFocus = indexSheet.Range("A1")

        'Add a new row
        Set NewRow = Tbl.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True)

        'Set ranges for cells in traceability table
        Set scenarioRng = indexSheet.Range("B" & NewRow.Range.Row)
        Set testCaseRng = scenarioRng.Offset(0, 1)
        Set statusRng = testCaseRng.Offset(0, 1)

        'Set scenario cell with name and format
        With scenarioRng
            .FormulaR1C1 = ScenarioNameBox.Value
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
            .Font.Name = "Arial"
            .Font.Size = 12
        End With

        'Set test case cell with name, hyperlink to sheet, and format
        With testCaseRng
            .FormulaR1C1 = TestCaseNameBox.Value
            .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=testCaseRng, Address:="", SubAddress:=newSheet.Name & "!A1", TextToDisplay:=newSheet.Name
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
            .Font.Name = "Arial"
            .Font.Size = 12
        End With

        'Set trial status as Incomplete and format
        With statusRng
            'Set new test case to "Incomplete"
            .Value = "Incomplete"
            .Font.Name = "Arial"
            .Font.Size = 12
            .Font.Color = vbBlack
        End With

        'Show or hide objects
        hideGroup.Visible = False
        showGroup.Visible = True

        'Set ranges for cells in test case table
        Set newSheetTestCaseRng = newSheet.Range("C2")
        Set newSheetStatusRng = newSheet.Range("C12")
        Set newSheetDateRng = newSheet.Range("C5")

        'Insert test case name into table
        newSheetTestCaseRng.Value = TestCaseNameBox.Value
        'Add todays date to Date Created
        newSheetDateRng.Value = Date
        'Set status to "Incomplete"
        newSheetStatusRng.Value = "Incomplete"
        'End with cursor at beginning of table

        'Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), Application.Workbooks.Open(filePath)
        'wb.Close (True)

        'Close the userform
        Unload Me

        End If

    End If

    'Update screen
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
 With templateSheet
        .Visible = xlSheetVisible
        .Copy Before:=indexSheet 'ERRORS HERE!!
        .Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
Option Explicit
Private Sub OkButton_Click()

'Dont update the screen while the macro runs
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    'Sheet and workbook variables
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim indexSheet As Worksheet, templateSheet As Worksheet
    Dim templateCopy As Worksheet, newSheet As Worksheet

    'Table and new row variables
    Dim Tbl As ListObject
    Dim NewRow As ListRow

    'Variables to group shapes based on
    'need to hide or show them
    Dim hideShapes() As Variant, showShapes() As Variant
    Dim hideGroup As Object, showGroup As Object

    'Misc variables
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim exists As Boolean
    Dim filePath As String

    'Variables to assign ranges
    Dim scenarioRng As Range
    Dim traceabilityFocus As Range
    Dim testCaseRng As Range
    Dim statusRng As Range
    Dim newSheetTestCaseRng As Range
    Dim newSheetStatusRng As Range
    Dim newSheetFocus As Range
    Dim newSheetDateRng As Range

    'Create array of shapes based on visibility rules
    hideShapes = Array("TextBox 2", "Rectangle 1")
    showShapes = Array("TextBox 15", "TextBox 14", "TextBox 13", "TextBox 11", "StatsRec", "Button 10")
    'To reference this workbook
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    'To reference Traceability Matrix sheet
    Set indexSheet = wb.Sheets("Traceability Matrix")
    'To reference Template sheet
    Set templateSheet = wb.Sheets("TestCase_Template")
    'To reference traceability matrix table
    Set Tbl = indexSheet.ListObjects("TMatrix")
    'Set hideShapes to a hide group
    Set hideGroup = indexSheet.Shapes.Range(hideShapes)
    'Set show shapes to a show group
    Set showGroup = indexSheet.Shapes.Range(showShapes)
    'Get file path of this workbook and set it to string
    filePath = wb.FullName

    'If the userform fields are empty then show error message
    If ScenarioNameBox.Value = "" Or TestCaseNameBox.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "Please complete both fields."
            GoTo EarlyExit
    'If the userform fields are completed and a worksheet with
    'the same name exists, set boolean to true
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim tmpWS As Worksheet
        ' This will error if sheet doesn't exist
        Set tmpWS = wb.Worksheets(TestCaseNameBox.Value)
        exists = Not (tmpWS Is Nothing)
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If

    'If test case name already exists, show error message
    If exists Then
        MsgBox "This test case name is already in use. Please choose another name."
        GoTo EarlyExit
    'If test case name is unique, update workbook
        'Copy template sheet to after traceability matrix sheet
        With templateSheet
            .Visible = xlSheetVisible
            .Copy Before:=indexSheet
            .Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
        End With
        Set newSheet = wb.Sheets(indexSheet.Index - 1)
        With newSheet
            newSheet.Move After:=indexSheet
            'Rename template sheet to the test case name
            .Name = TestCaseNameBox.Value
            'To reference re-named template sheet
            .Visible = True
            'Set ranges for cells in test case table
            Set newSheetTestCaseRng = .Range("C2")
            Set newSheetStatusRng = .Range("C12")
            Set newSheetDateRng = .Range("C5")

            'Insert test case name into table
            newSheetTestCaseRng.Value = TestCaseNameBox.Value
            'Add todays date to Date Created
            newSheetDateRng.Value = Date
            'Set status to "Incomplete"
            newSheetStatusRng.Value = "Incomplete"
            'End with cursor at beginning of table
        End With

        'Set focus to traceability matrix
        Set traceabilityFocus = indexSheet.Range("A1")
        'Add a new row
        Set NewRow = Tbl.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True)
        'Set ranges for cells in traceability table
        Set scenarioRng = indexSheet.Range("B" & NewRow.Range.Row)
        Set testCaseRng = scenarioRng.Offset(0, 1)
        Set statusRng = testCaseRng.Offset(0, 1)

        'Set scenario cell with name and format
        With scenarioRng
            .FormulaR1C1 = ScenarioNameBox.Value
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
            .Font.Name = "Arial"
            .Font.Size = 12
        End With

        'Set test case cell with name, hyperlink to sheet, and format
        With testCaseRng
            .FormulaR1C1 = TestCaseNameBox.Value
            .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=testCaseRng, Address:="", SubAddress:=newSheet.Name & "!A1", TextToDisplay:=newSheet.Name
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
            .Font.Name = "Arial"
            .Font.Size = 12
        End With

        'Set trial status as Incomplete and format
        With statusRng
            'Set new test case to "Incomplete"
            .Value = "Incomplete"
            .Font.Name = "Arial"
            .Font.Size = 12
            .Font.Color = vbBlack
        End With

        'Show or hide objects
        hideGroup.Visible = False
        showGroup.Visible = True

    End If

    'Update screen
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub