Virtual machine 错误:找不到Exec[下载编写器]的依赖项包[php5 cli]

Virtual machine 错误:找不到Exec[下载编写器]的依赖项包[php5 cli],virtual-machine,virtualbox,vagrant,puppet,Virtual Machine,Virtualbox,Vagrant,Puppet,我正在尝试使用此虚拟机部署Symfony2项目。当我尝试使用vagrant up命令运行环境时,出现了问题,它输出以下内容: $vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... [default] Importing base box 'debian-php-dev'... [default] Matching MAC address for NAT networking... [default] Set

vagrant up

$vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[default] Importing base box 'debian-php-dev'...
[default] Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
[default] Setting the name of the VM...
[default] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[default] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[default] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[default] Forwarding ports...
[default] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
[default] -- 80 => 8080 (adapter 1)
[default] Booting VM...
[default] Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
[default] Machine booted and ready!
[default] The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
cause things such as shared folders to not work properly. If you see
shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
your host and reload your VM.

Guest Additions Version: 4.2.10
VirtualBox Version: 4.3
[default] Setting hostname...
[default] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[default] Exporting NFS shared folders...
Preparing to edit /etc/exports. Administrator privileges will be required...
[default] Mounting NFS shared folders...
[default] Mounting shared folders...
[default] -- /vagrant
[default] -- /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/manifests
[default] -- /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/modules-0
[default] Running provisioner: puppet...
Running Puppet with site.pp...
stdin: is not a tty
Error: Could not find dependency Package[php5-cli] for Exec[download composer]
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!

puppet apply --hiera_config /vagrant/config/hiera.yaml --modulepath '/tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/modules-0' --manifestdir /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/manifests --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/manifests/site.pp || [ $? -eq 2 ]

Stdout from the command:

Stderr from the command:

stdin: is not a tty
Error: Could not find dependency Package[php5-cli] for Exec[download composer]

  include php::cli
include php::dev

您选择使用的特定Vagrant设置中缺少php5 cli