Visual studio DLL中存在符号,但启动返回“0”;在DLL中找不到过程入口点";

Visual studio DLL中存在符号,但启动返回“0”;在DLL中找不到过程入口点";,visual-studio,dll,dllimport,Visual Studio,Dll,Dllimport,我正在链接第三方DLL并获取 The procedure entry point jtagatlantic_write could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\My\Code\Tests\CppConsoleTest\x64\Debug\ConsoleTest.exe. 当应用程序开始加载时。我验证了linker命令包含jtag_atlantic.lib,从dumpbin看,报告的符号似乎存在 lib文件是从以下jtag_atl


The procedure entry point jtagatlantic_write could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\My\Code\Tests\CppConsoleTest\x64\Debug\ConsoleTest.exe. 




  Dump of file jtag_atlantic.dll

  File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for jtag_atlantic.dll

  00000000 characteristics
  5B999615 time date stamp Thu Sep 13 01:41:25 2018
        0.00 version
        1 ordinal base
        19 number of functions
        19 number of names

  ordinal hint RVA      name

        1    0 00001420 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1close@@YAXPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1close@@YAXPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z (void __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1close(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long))
        2    1 00001450 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1flush@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1flush@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1flush(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long))
        3    2 000014B0 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1get_1last_1open_1error@@YAPEAV_jstring@@PEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1get_1last_1open_1error@@YAPEAV_jstring@@PEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@@Z (class _jstring * __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1get_1last_1open_1error(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *))
        4    3 000014C0 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1open@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@PEAV_jstring@@JJ@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1open@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@PEAV_jstring@@JJ@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1open(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,class _jstring *,long,long))
        5    4 00001540 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1read@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1read@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1read(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long,class _jbyteArray *))
        6    5 000015D0 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1write@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1write@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1write(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long,class _jbyteArray *))
        7    6 00001C90 ?jtagatlantic_bytes_available@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_bytes_available@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_bytes_available(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        8    7 00001CB0 ?jtagatlantic_cable_warning@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_cable_warning@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_cable_warning(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        9    8 00001CC0 ?jtagatlantic_close@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_close@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (void __cdecl jtagatlantic_close(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        10    9 00001CE0 ?jtagatlantic_flush@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_flush@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_flush(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        11    A 00001D40 ?jtagatlantic_get_error@@YA?AW4JATL_ERROR@@PEAPEBD@Z = ?jtagatlantic_get_error@@YA?AW4JATL_ERROR@@PEAPEBD@Z (enum JATL_ERROR __cdecl jtagatlantic_get_error(char const * *))
        12    B 00001D60 ?jtagatlantic_get_info@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEAPEBDPEAH2@Z = ?jtagatlantic_get_info@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEAPEBDPEAH2@Z (void __cdecl jtagatlantic_get_info(struct JTAGATLANTIC *,char const * *,int *,int *))
        13    C 00001D90 ?jtagatlantic_is_setup_done@@YA_NPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_is_setup_done@@YA_NPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (bool __cdecl jtagatlantic_is_setup_done(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        14    D 00001DA0 ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0@Z = ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0@Z (struct JTAGATLANTIC * __cdecl jtagatlantic_open(char const *,int,int,char const *))
        15    E 00001DC0 ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0PEAVLOCK_HANDLER@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0PEAVLOCK_HANDLER@@@Z (struct JTAGATLANTIC * __cdecl jtagatlantic_open(char const *,int,int,char const *,class LOCK_HANDLER *))
        16    F 00002150 ?jtagatlantic_read@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEADI@Z = ?jtagatlantic_read@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEADI@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_read(struct JTAGATLANTIC *,char *,unsigned int))
        17   10 00002160 ?jtagatlantic_scan_thread@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_scan_thread@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (void __cdecl jtagatlantic_scan_thread(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        18   11 00002170 ?jtagatlantic_wait_open@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_wait_open@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_wait_open(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        19   12 000021B0 ?jtagatlantic_write@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDI@Z = ?jtagatlantic_write@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDI@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_write(struct JTAGATLANTIC *,char const *,unsigned int))


        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        2000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        3000 .text

  Dump of file jtag_atlantic.dll

  PE signature found

  File Type: DLL

              8664 machine (x64)
              5 number of sections
        5B999BA2 time date stamp Thu Sep 13 02:05:06 2018
              0 file pointer to symbol table
              0 number of symbols
              F0 size of optional header
              2022 characteristics
                    Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses

              20B magic # (PE32+)
        12.00 linker version
              2C00 size of code
              2200 size of initialized data
              0 size of uninitialized data
              3460 entry point (0000000180003460) _DllMainCRTStartup
              1000 base of code
        180000000 image base (0000000180000000 to 0000000180008FFF)
              1000 section alignment
              200 file alignment
              6.00 operating system version
              0.00 image version
              6.00 subsystem version
              0 Win32 version
              9000 size of image
              400 size of headers
              0 checksum
              3 subsystem (Windows CUI)
              160 DLL characteristics
                    High Entropy Virtual Addresses
                    Dynamic base
                    NX compatible
        100000 size of stack reserve
              1000 size of stack commit
        100000 size of heap reserve
              1000 size of heap commit
              0 loader flags
              10 number of directories
              4900 [     646] RVA [size] of Export Directory
              4F48 [      50] RVA [size] of Import Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Resource Directory
              7000 [     2F4] RVA [size] of Exception Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Certificates Directory
              8000 [      2C] RVA [size] of Base Relocation Directory
              4210 [      38] RVA [size] of Debug Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Architecture Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Global Pointer Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Thread Storage Directory
              4350 [      70] RVA [size] of Load Configuration Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Bound Import Directory
              4000 [     1D8] RVA [size] of Import Address Table Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Delay Import Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of COM Descriptor Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory

  .text name
  2AFB virtual size
  1000 virtual address (0000000180001000 to 0000000180003AFA)
  2C00 size of raw data
  400 file pointer to raw data (00000400 to 00002FFF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  60000020 flags
        Execute Read

  .rdata name
  1884 virtual size
  4000 virtual address (0000000180004000 to 0000000180005883)
  1A00 size of raw data
  3000 file pointer to raw data (00003000 to 000049FF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  40000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Only

  Debug Directories

        Time Type        Size      RVA  Pointer
  -------- ------- -------- -------- --------
  5B999BA2 cv            2A 000043C0     33C0    Format: RSDS, {89F3C38C-E494-4FF4-AB3B-90068B504087}, 1, jtag_atlantic.pdb
  5B999BA2 feat          14 000043EC     33EC    Counts: Pre-VC++ 11.00=0, C/C++=15, /GS=14, /sdl=0, guardN=0

  .data name
        C0 virtual size
  6000 virtual address (0000000180006000 to 00000001800060BF)
  200 size of raw data
  4A00 file pointer to raw data (00004A00 to 00004BFF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  C0000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Write

  .pdata name
  2F4 virtual size
  7000 virtual address (0000000180007000 to 00000001800072F3)
  400 size of raw data
  4C00 file pointer to raw data (00004C00 to 00004FFF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  40000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Only

  .reloc name
        2C virtual size
  8000 virtual address (0000000180008000 to 000000018000802B)
  200 size of raw data
  5000 file pointer to raw data (00005000 to 000051FF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  42000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Only


        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        2000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        3000 .text

jtag\u atlantic.dll
  Dump of file jtag_atlantic.dll

  File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for jtag_atlantic.dll

  00000000 characteristics
  5B999615 time date stamp Thu Sep 13 01:41:25 2018
        0.00 version
        1 ordinal base
        19 number of functions
        19 number of names

  ordinal hint RVA      name

        1    0 00001420 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1close@@YAXPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1close@@YAXPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z (void __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1close(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long))
        2    1 00001450 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1flush@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1flush@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@J@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1flush(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long))
        3    2 000014B0 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1get_1last_1open_1error@@YAPEAV_jstring@@PEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1get_1last_1open_1error@@YAPEAV_jstring@@PEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@@Z (class _jstring * __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1get_1last_1open_1error(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *))
        4    3 000014C0 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1open@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@PEAV_jstring@@JJ@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1open@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@PEAV_jstring@@JJ@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1open(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,class _jstring *,long,long))
        5    4 00001540 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1read@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1read@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1read(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long,class _jbyteArray *))
        6    5 000015D0 ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1write@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z = ?Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1write@@YAJPEAUJNIEnv_@@PEAV_jobject@@JPEAV_jbyteArray@@@Z (long __cdecl Java_com_altera_jnijtagatlantic_JtagAtlanticConnection_n_1write(struct JNIEnv_ *,class _jobject *,long,class _jbyteArray *))
        7    6 00001C90 ?jtagatlantic_bytes_available@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_bytes_available@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_bytes_available(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        8    7 00001CB0 ?jtagatlantic_cable_warning@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_cable_warning@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_cable_warning(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        9    8 00001CC0 ?jtagatlantic_close@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_close@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (void __cdecl jtagatlantic_close(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        10    9 00001CE0 ?jtagatlantic_flush@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_flush@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_flush(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        11    A 00001D40 ?jtagatlantic_get_error@@YA?AW4JATL_ERROR@@PEAPEBD@Z = ?jtagatlantic_get_error@@YA?AW4JATL_ERROR@@PEAPEBD@Z (enum JATL_ERROR __cdecl jtagatlantic_get_error(char const * *))
        12    B 00001D60 ?jtagatlantic_get_info@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEAPEBDPEAH2@Z = ?jtagatlantic_get_info@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEAPEBDPEAH2@Z (void __cdecl jtagatlantic_get_info(struct JTAGATLANTIC *,char const * *,int *,int *))
        13    C 00001D90 ?jtagatlantic_is_setup_done@@YA_NPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_is_setup_done@@YA_NPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (bool __cdecl jtagatlantic_is_setup_done(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        14    D 00001DA0 ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0@Z = ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0@Z (struct JTAGATLANTIC * __cdecl jtagatlantic_open(char const *,int,int,char const *))
        15    E 00001DC0 ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0PEAVLOCK_HANDLER@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_open@@YAPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDHH0PEAVLOCK_HANDLER@@@Z (struct JTAGATLANTIC * __cdecl jtagatlantic_open(char const *,int,int,char const *,class LOCK_HANDLER *))
        16    F 00002150 ?jtagatlantic_read@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEADI@Z = ?jtagatlantic_read@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEADI@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_read(struct JTAGATLANTIC *,char *,unsigned int))
        17   10 00002160 ?jtagatlantic_scan_thread@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_scan_thread@@YAXPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (void __cdecl jtagatlantic_scan_thread(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        18   11 00002170 ?jtagatlantic_wait_open@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z = ?jtagatlantic_wait_open@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_wait_open(struct JTAGATLANTIC *))
        19   12 000021B0 ?jtagatlantic_write@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDI@Z = ?jtagatlantic_write@@YAHPEAUJTAGATLANTIC@@PEBDI@Z (int __cdecl jtagatlantic_write(struct JTAGATLANTIC *,char const *,unsigned int))


        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        2000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        3000 .text

  Dump of file jtag_atlantic.dll

  PE signature found

  File Type: DLL

              8664 machine (x64)
              5 number of sections
        5B999BA2 time date stamp Thu Sep 13 02:05:06 2018
              0 file pointer to symbol table
              0 number of symbols
              F0 size of optional header
              2022 characteristics
                    Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses

              20B magic # (PE32+)
        12.00 linker version
              2C00 size of code
              2200 size of initialized data
              0 size of uninitialized data
              3460 entry point (0000000180003460) _DllMainCRTStartup
              1000 base of code
        180000000 image base (0000000180000000 to 0000000180008FFF)
              1000 section alignment
              200 file alignment
              6.00 operating system version
              0.00 image version
              6.00 subsystem version
              0 Win32 version
              9000 size of image
              400 size of headers
              0 checksum
              3 subsystem (Windows CUI)
              160 DLL characteristics
                    High Entropy Virtual Addresses
                    Dynamic base
                    NX compatible
        100000 size of stack reserve
              1000 size of stack commit
        100000 size of heap reserve
              1000 size of heap commit
              0 loader flags
              10 number of directories
              4900 [     646] RVA [size] of Export Directory
              4F48 [      50] RVA [size] of Import Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Resource Directory
              7000 [     2F4] RVA [size] of Exception Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Certificates Directory
              8000 [      2C] RVA [size] of Base Relocation Directory
              4210 [      38] RVA [size] of Debug Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Architecture Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Global Pointer Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Thread Storage Directory
              4350 [      70] RVA [size] of Load Configuration Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Bound Import Directory
              4000 [     1D8] RVA [size] of Import Address Table Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Delay Import Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of COM Descriptor Directory
              0 [       0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory

  .text name
  2AFB virtual size
  1000 virtual address (0000000180001000 to 0000000180003AFA)
  2C00 size of raw data
  400 file pointer to raw data (00000400 to 00002FFF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  60000020 flags
        Execute Read

  .rdata name
  1884 virtual size
  4000 virtual address (0000000180004000 to 0000000180005883)
  1A00 size of raw data
  3000 file pointer to raw data (00003000 to 000049FF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  40000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Only

  Debug Directories

        Time Type        Size      RVA  Pointer
  -------- ------- -------- -------- --------
  5B999BA2 cv            2A 000043C0     33C0    Format: RSDS, {89F3C38C-E494-4FF4-AB3B-90068B504087}, 1, jtag_atlantic.pdb
  5B999BA2 feat          14 000043EC     33EC    Counts: Pre-VC++ 11.00=0, C/C++=15, /GS=14, /sdl=0, guardN=0

  .data name
        C0 virtual size
  6000 virtual address (0000000180006000 to 00000001800060BF)
  200 size of raw data
  4A00 file pointer to raw data (00004A00 to 00004BFF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  C0000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Write

  .pdata name
  2F4 virtual size
  7000 virtual address (0000000180007000 to 00000001800072F3)
  400 size of raw data
  4C00 file pointer to raw data (00004C00 to 00004FFF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  40000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Only

  .reloc name
        2C virtual size
  8000 virtual address (0000000180008000 to 000000018000802B)
  200 size of raw data
  5000 file pointer to raw data (00005000 to 000051FF)
        0 file pointer to relocation table
        0 file pointer to line numbers
        0 number of relocations
        0 number of line numbers
  42000040 flags
        Initialized Data
        Read Only


        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        2000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        3000 .text