Windows 如何使用批处理文件复制文件?

Windows 如何使用批处理文件复制文件?,windows,batch-file,copy,Windows,Batch File,Copy,我需要创建一个批处理文件,将某些文件(例如,19_1_White.jpg)复制到目录中的文件夹中。如何执行此操作?您需要使用命令XCOPY 例如XCOPY A.jpg C:\Folder\A.jpg 请看一下您可能还想使用的任何其他交换机 XCOPY F:\*.* G:\ /C /S /D /Y /I XCOPY allows for copying of files, directories, and sub directories. F:\*.* is our source locatio


您需要使用命令XCOPY 例如XCOPY A.jpg C:\Folder\A.jpg


XCOPY F:\*.* G:\ /C /S /D /Y /I

XCOPY allows for copying of files, directories, and sub directories.
F:\*.* is our source location
G:\ is our destination location
/C tells XCOPY to ignore errors, and finish what can be done
/S tells XCOPY to copy everything including directories and
/D tells XCOPY to only copy source files that are newer than the
destination files (big time saver on the process)
/Y tells XCOPY to overwrite files without asking for confirmation
/I tells XCOPY to automatically create new directories on the
destination, if new directories were created in source.